Sae Chabashira

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This is before the first island exam happened in volume 3 when Chabashira blackmailed Ayanokouji.

This kind of dark.Just a warning if you don't like Murder and things similar don't proceed

Also this is my first time doing this so any criticism is welcomed and i am sorry if this was a waste of your time.I also skipped a few of the unnecessary talk.


                                                        Ayanokouji pov

As I arrived at the faulty room, I saw Chabashira-sensei waiting in the doorway.

"Come in".

"I don't understand why you called me over".

"We'll talk inside".

My incoming depression meter rose steadily as she answered my questions with such short answers. I'd hoped she had called me here as a joke.

"You might expect bad things when you're asked to come to the faculty room, but contrary to your suspicions, its a fine place. There aren't eyes all around here. Many things are better said with some personal privacy".

I noticed that the security camera, which should be installed here was missing.

"I've called you here today because I wanted to tell you my personal story".

Chabashira-sensei's personal story? This was headed in a very different direction. I didn't understand why she'd call me here just to tell me her story. Nor did I have any interest.

"It's something I have not told anybody since I had become a homeroom teacher. It's silly, but please listen".

"Don't tell this story to anyone else. If you can do that, please return to your seat".


I closed the door and returned to sit with Chabashira-sensei.

" I was once a student at this school. I was in class D, just like you".

"I must say that's surprising. I would have thought you were more capable Chabashira-sensei".

" Huh .... Well in my time, the class difference wasn't as extreme.You could say we were in a four way battle, not a three way one. Up until graduation in the third semester of our first year, the difference between A and D wasn't even 100 points. It was a close battle, where on trivial mistake could knock you off balance".

I felt as if her story was one of regret.

"I'm guessing someone made a trivial mistake, right ?".

" Yes.Class C went to hell because of my mistake. In the end, my goal of reaching class A was shattered".

"I'm not catching your drift. What does this have to do with me ?".

"I felt that your presence will be vital in reaching class A".

"What am I supposed to say that? Your joking right ?".

I felt happy to have been praised so unexpectedly, but I didn't know how to answer.

"A few days ago, a certain man contacted the school directly. He said 'expel Ayanokouji Kiyotaka".

Chabashira-sensei made a complete change of topic. She was getting to the true issue.

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