The front door opens revealing Jennie, she must have come back from an event or photo shoot because she's in a crop suit and perfect makeup. I pull away from her gaze, nervousness finally dawning on me and what I am really doing. 

My manager sees her too, but says nothing as he moves my things to the front door. 

Jennie seeing him bows slightly. 

"Jennie" he says, monotone. 

"Oppa" I look between the two and the tensions high. 

"Thank you oppa" I say as a way to break the tension.

"Before I leave can I have a word." I look to Jennie and she looks worried, I give her a small smile to try and reassure her that I'm here and won't change my mind. 


"Alone" he says not looking at me, Jennie takes my suit cases and leaves to go into the house taking the hint. 

"How long will you be here" 

"Give or take a couple of weeks but nothing more than a month" he shakes his head disapproving of the idea already. 

"Do they know this is where you will be staying." I shake my head no. 

"I won't ask why but i'm assuming I will be keeping this between you and me, so from now on I'll pick you up first and drop you off last." relief washes over me, I hadn't even thought about that. 

"If you can I would appreciate that" I say quietly, he still looks disapprovingly but he hugs me quickly before leaving without a word. I watch as he drives out, wanting to prolong going into the house. 

I turn around and she's there already waiting for me, her smile affectionate but her body language shows she's just as nervous as I am. For different reasons perhaps. She puts out her hand for me to take I slowly take it and we walk in together. A wave of emotions flood me swirling a round yet I don't understand them. She leads me to the living room and we sit silently, not awkward silence, but the silence is still heavy. 

"Are you okay" She ask quietly. 

"I think I will be" I say now finally looking at her. Hating myself for still thinking she's beautiful, but who wouldn't think that. 

"I think so too" the way she says it makes me look away, because the look in her eyes as she says that screams she'll be broken in the end. 

"How was your day"I ask trying to change the subject. 

"Stressful, tiring, but not bad. its never bad if its for the fans" she says genuinely. She's still so passionate which warms my heart a fraction. 

"That was so cheesy" i reply with a fake disgusted face. she shoves me playfully but as she moves her body she winces and grabs her ankle. Like a reflex I move quickly to take a look at her the injured area. She tries to grab my hand to stop me but I softly push them away so I can inspect it. Her whole foot is swollen and bruises around the area are just starting to show.

"Jennie what the hell is this" I say a little more harsh then I intended. 

"It's nothing serious I just hurt it at dance practice. I'll be fine" she says laughing a little to make it more casual. I'm even more angry that she's acting so nonchalant about an injury thats obviously more than just a little accident. 

"Have you been to the doctors this looks serious Jennie" 

"Yes they said to just rest and ice it, like I said nothing serious" I sigh in annoyance. 

"And have you been resting" I say sternly. She looks away from me nervously playing with her bracelet, which happens to be the one that she bought for me and her. I soften a little seeing that. 

"Jennie, you need to rest and look after yourself" I say softer this time. 

"I'm fine" she says weakly. 

"No you're injured, now stay here while I get some ice" she's about to protest but as she looks at me she shuts up. I'm only this worked up because she never knows when to stop, always pushing herself even when she's in pain, she might only have a sprain but with the way she is she'll only make it worse by working. I come back to where she is with the ice in my hand, she has a pout on her face, I try not to smile by that. 

Without saying a word I move her legs slowly to rest and place the ice pack on her. 

"I can do that" she whines. I roll my eyes and continue my work. 

"Whats your schedule like this week" 

"Just going into the studio this week" I narrow my eyes. 

"What about dance practice" 

"Well yeah I have a couple-" 

"Your not going to them" I reply cooly. 


"You're resting, and if you don't I'm leaving this house" she quickly shuts up after that, I do feel bad using that on her but I know thats the only way she'll actually look after herself. 

"Fine" She mumbles. 

"Good" As I look at her closely I can see she's tired and i'm guessing she hasn't eaten either. No matter the beef with me and her I still worry. I'll cook her something maybe that'll help her. I get up to make something in the kitchen when she grabs my wrist panicking. 

"We're you going" 

"I'm just going to make us some dinner" 

"Nooooo, stay here with me I'll just order us some delivery"  The look she gives me makes me stay, she lets out a slow breath as I sit next to her. 

"Fine, but order now you look like you need to eat something" she nods her head smiling widely, opening the app while browsing, It feels surreal to be doing mundane things like this with her again.I just look at her and the way she frowns when she can't decide what to eat or the fact that she still orders way to much food that she won't be able to eat but does it anyway because her eyes are bigger than her stomach. I just watch not interrupting her and not wanting to. Day 1 and more to come, maybe Jennie won't be the only one to find our goodbye hard. 


More of a filler chapter but as always 




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