Chapter 10. Exam, Results and Further Planning

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A.N.= Here you go. 

It was Friday, the day of the exam. In the morning, Chiyabashira-sensei calmly walked into the classroom with a smile.

"It's nice to see that nobody has chickened out. A failure here is a ticket to expulsion, so I believe that nobody should have any doubts regarding the importance of this exam, right?"

"We have been studying diligently for the past few weeks. I don't think there will be any dropouts in this class, you know?"

"You have a lot of confidence, Hirata."

And she wasn't wrong. Almost everybody had a relaxed expression, no doubt due to the previous year's question papers Kushida had distributed the day before. They had put their absolute trust in Kushida and were waiting for the fruits of the faith they had in her.

Taken aback from the tranquility in the classroom, she lined up the tests by tapping them against the table and passed them out. The first period was social studies. I guess you could call it the easiest test among all the subjects.

If anyone trips up here, honestly, all the other tests will be a difficult struggle.

"If no one fails this midterm and the finals in July, everyone will get a summer vacation."


"Yea, that's right... You'll be on a dream-like vacation on an island surrounded by the blue sea."

I suppose this is about the special exams the senpai was scared to talk about. Though, how they can call it a vacation is still confusing. It would most probably be a challenge where many would have to stretch their limits.

And just like the first month's situation regarding our total points, most of the students cheered at the fact that they might have a vacation for once as the school said. It's like they forgot that the school loves to mislead us like this.

Sighing, I glanced around ignoring the perverted cheer led by Ike. A rare few boys were not participating in it, mostly due to nervousness or they were just unconcerned by Ike. The latter being the more common of the two.

The girls just wore a plainly obvious disgusted look at the cheer from Ike and his group. Curiously glancing at Kushida to see what her expression would be like in this situation, it was amusing to see her cover up her disgust with a confused expression.

So she was choosing to appear confused rather than sticking to the girls.

Glancing towards Tatsuya to observe his expression, it was a surprise to see his annoyed yet tired look. Annoyance was understandable because of his concern as a brother. Tiredness was an unexpected one.

Or not, seeing as he was the more widely accepted class leader and it was his duty to keep the class cooperative. And this would take a lot of damage control to get back to normal.

"This is going to bite us in the future, you'll see." Seeing me look at him curiously, he commented with a sigh. Not responding to his comment because of sensei starting the distribution of the test papers, I quickly scanned it over.

While I was confident in myself, the major problem was the idiotic trio passing the test.

A relieved sigh escaped my lips as I found all the questions recognizable. While I hadn't glanced at the previous year's paper as thoroughly as the others might have, I could still see the similarities.

Anyone who had memorized the previous year's paper could get a near-perfect score in this exam. And the rest of the class were not as confused as they were in the surprise test. A majority of them had probably squeezed in some last-minute studies.

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