Chapter 7. A Taste of Competition

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A.N.= Here you go.

"Good morning Yamauchi!"

"Good morning Ike!"

While arriving at school, Ike called out to Yamauchi with a smile on his face.

It's unusual for those two to be so cheerful nowadays, considering their poor situation. It was exactly one week after the reveal of the S-system which shook Class D to its core. Facing the threat of expulsion, Ike and Yamauchi have improved a lot behaviour wise at least during the classes. Albeit, their attitudes outside the class were still as lecherous as before.

Even Sudou was paying attention in class, although he still lacks patience.

"Wow~ today's lessons were so fun that I couldn't 't even sleep~"

"Yup, this school's the best—Today, we also have swimming lessons! I say swimming, but girls are the important part! And by girls, I mean their swimsuits!"

Certainly, swimming is taught to both boys and girls. In other words, all the girls are required to wear swimsuits and their skin becomes visible. Which also explains Ike and his group's enthusiasm.

The girls who were near them backed away from Ike and Yamauchi's excitement.

Catching up to Tatsuya who was walking along with a guy called Akito Miyake, one of the loners of the class who sits in front of Tatsuya and is also part of the study group held by Tatsuya, same as mine.

He was also better to talk to than Ike and Yamauchi.

Seeing me beside him, Tatsuya included me in their discussion by asking a question.

"Are you free this Friday for the study group's session?"

It's being held this Friday, then? I look forward to how you will handle this situation.

"Yeah. Around what time?"

"During 5 o'clock after the clubs end. It's being held in the Library."

"Hmm. Sure."

Hearing the loud commotion being caused by Ike and his group, I sighed at the excess noise.

"Can anything pure ever come out of their mouths? They are being too uncivil and are noisy over that."

Miyake, who was silent for some while, responded.

"I agree with you on that. Being alone is better than being with them."

Now that I remember, he mentioned something about archery in his introduction a month ago.

"You are in the archery club, right?"

He looked surprised at the fact I remembered. I wouldn't be a masterpiece if I forgot such things.

"Yeah. But I'm surprised you remember."

"It's nothing. I just have a good memory."

Facing the indoor swimming pool, we quietly followed the classmates into the locker room.

Entering the locker room, we were greeted with the surprised looks of another section of boys, who after a further look turned out to be from Class B. Sighing at the loud and confused chatter, I looked around for the class peacemakers like Hirata and Tatsuya in hopes of some explanation.

The confusion of students was inevitable as timetable collision between two classes was unheard of in this school. Maybe this was a combined class, then?

"What is going on?"

"Isn't this supposed to be our class's time now?"

"Maybe there's a mistake?"

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