Chapter 5. The Calm before the Storm

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AN = Here you go.

"Ayanokouji-kun, stop staring outside the window."

It came. It came again. The annoying voice of a self-proclaimed genius who also happens to be my unfortunate self's seatmate.

As I continued to ignore its existence, it came again.

"Ayanokouji-kun, Are you listening to me?"

Drowning her voice along with the noise from the class, I immersed myself in gazing outside the window, hoping for a rare bird to fly across. Or an aeroplane to crash into the school.

Considering the behaviour of the class, either would be welcomed at this point.

It hadn't even taken two weeks after the opening ceremony for the class to look more like a zoo than a classroom. Save a few, most of the students were carefree and relaxed, realizing that the teacher wouldn't even bother to scold or punish them if they didn't pay attention. They were ignorant enough to believe that they would receive 100,000 points every month, free of charge and would never have to pay attention in the class.

Their ignorance knew no bounds.

And the most amusing was that some people like Yamauchi believed that they deserved these luxuries for being able to enter the school of the elites. If their ignorance was high, their arrogance was higher.

My thinking was distracted by the cold sensation on my right arm as if something was poking my skin and the wetness in my arm. Looking towards the mentioned side, a cold-blooded devil by the name of Horikita was looking at me with a compass in her hand. The compass was coated with something dark crimson and ominous.


It's my blood.

A glance at the dark spot in my right arm sleeve proved my thoughts to be correct. This girl had stabbed me with a compass for no reason that I knew off. Sitting beside me with a displeased face and a bloody compass hidden in hand, she looked every bit of a murderer.

I sighed a bit before facing her, my mind flooded with thoughts on how hard it would be to get the blood off my clothes.

"Why did you stab me? It hurts."

"Don't lie. You didn't even flinch or react at all. You have very high pain tolerance, it seems."

"I have trouble expressing myself. Anyways, why did you stab me so much? Three times to be exact."

"I was calling you and you continued to ignore me. That's why I gave you a physical awakening."

Seriously? You stabbed me for that?

I sighed to clear my mind of unnecessary emotions before replying. "That doesn't give you the right to stab me. You could just have poked me with your hand or something. There was no need for you to use a lethal object."

She replied back without hesitation. "It's not like you can do anything, can you? You were ignoring me so I took it upon myself to teach you about manners."

That's a pretty twisted mentality which combined with a superiority complex makes her hard to talk to patiently. Nevertheless, I continued, just to see how her mind works. All for the future plans.

"I could complain to the school about you physically bullying me."

"You don't have any evidence. And I could just twist the story to make it seem as if I was in the right. Even the 4 cameras in the classroom would not be able to see me stab you because I hid it immediately. I have the upper hand here."

She noticed the cameras then? While it's true that she hid it expertly from the 4 cameras, who said that there were only 4 cameras? Glancing upwards to the left, I saw another camera expertly concealed in the paint of the walls, blinking innocently.

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