Chapter 2. A bus ride

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Here you go. 

A sudden bump woke me up from my beauty sleep. Who knew buses were so bumpy? Or was it the road's fault? Either way, it was probably impossible to go back to sleep again. Noting the time on my phone, it seemed I had slept through half of the 90 minute trip.

The bus, when I boarded it, was almost empty except for a couple of people. Now the seats were filled with all sorts of people. Many adults going to their jobs were in it, while also a lot of high school students with similar uniforms like me were on the bus. Seeing as the school didn't allow any outside contact, they were probably the same year as me. Which means many potential friends were sitting on the bus.

A chilly breeze broke me out of my thoughts. Even though it was April, the air was unnaturally cold. Not that I minded. A cool breeze was a perfect temperature for any white room attendee. Although the black haired girl sitting on the opposite side of me didn't mind it too. Engrossed in a book, she had a frozen blank expression on her face. Or maybe she also had trouble expressing herself?

The other seats were filled too, including the priority seats. Surprisingly, a priority seat was occupied by a blonde haired student who looked more like a high-school graduate than someone who was going to start attending it. He had earphones on his ears, ignoring any and all commotion outside.

The empty seat in front of me gave off a weird feeling about it though.

Glancing at it again, someone was clearly sitting on it. 

A blue haired boy of my age was sleeping peacefully on it, somehow being able to sleep through the bumping bus ride. Looking around, he was naturally ignored or looked over by all the people on the bus. I would have ignored him too if his presence had not been giving off a weird feeling. What an unusual person to meet.

Looking around, an old lady seemed to have boarded the bus and was going to sit on the seat in front of me. She had probably not noticed the sleeping blue haired boy on the seat, confirming my suspicions. He just was easily overlookable.

The blond haired boy, seeing the lady go towards the seat in front of me, seemed to come to the same conclusion as me.

"Old lady, can't you see that someone is sleeping in that seat?" His rude yet helpful statement stopped the lady in her path. She focused a bit more to notice the sleeping boy in the seat. Her face showed a surprised expression with a few traces of disappointment at missing out on a seat.

Coincidentally, the blond haired boy was also sitting on a priority seat.

Another lady, probably on her way to her office job, looked at the blond boy with few traces of anger at the way he spoke to the old lady without any traces of respect.

Uh oh. I sense a disturbance in the peace and quiet of the bus.

"Don't you think you should give up your seat? Can't you see that she is having trouble?"

Damn it. I was correct in my suspicions. It seemed that she wanted the boy to give up the priority seat to the old lady. In the quiet bus, her voice got louder and attracted the attention of the other people in the bus.

"That's a really crazy question, lady."

The boy might have been angry, ignorant, or perhaps brutally honest, but he just smiled and recrossed his legs.

"Why should I give this seat to an old woman? There's absolutely no reason for me to give it up."

"Isn't it natural to hand over the priority seat to the elderly?" Please don't argue with him, lady. You are obviously fighting a losing battle.

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