Chapter 1. Prologue

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A.N. = Lets see how this goes. Also, Italics are flashbacks. Or thoughts.

It was a cold evening, even colder than what was expected of a normal winter evening. The temperature dipping into the single digits, it was cold enough for normal people to hole up in their houses under the futons.

It was oddly comforting for a weird existence as myself, seeing as I had lived my whole 14 years of life inside a white room fully air-conditioned.

Tightening the gray coat around me, I sat down in one of the nearby seats.

I was currently present in a nearby park finishing my daily evening walk. Just because I was free for a while didn't mean that I could neglect my exercises.

It was honestly overwhelming, being outside. It still felt like an unreal dream which could be explained as I had never seen any outside interference in my life for the first 10 years of my life.

My entire life was a blank white slate.

White floors.

White walls.

White clothes.

All could be found in the White Room or WR in short. It was a project headed by a cruel man named Professor Ayanokoji, intending to create the perfect human. Someone perfect enough in his eyes, who could lead the future of Japan to its eternal glory.

He believed that a child could become perfect if they were raised the right way, vigilantly watched and meticulously planned. The right amount of nutrition, education and training were the true path to perfection.

He was partially right, too.

By carefully observing me and providing me with just the right amount of nutrition and education, I had achieved the peak of perfection for a 14 year old. Physically.

Mentally, I was a confused child who had never tasted freedom. Full of curiosities that could never be satisfied while I was locked in a room.

A one week trip to New York when I was 10 years old was not enough to cure my starvation of real world knowledge.

Granted, it was fascinating, but it still left me wanting for more by the end. Though the hope of ever going back outside until my curriculum was completed was miniscule.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, for the first time of his life, wanted something.

The next four years were colorless, lacking any sorts of excitement and emotion. Until the 20th of October of this year.

By some twisted sense of fate, exactly 14 years after the day I was enrolled in the white room, the horrid place was shut down for maintenance. The rest of the generations were either sent to safe houses or orphanages owned by Professor Ayanokoji. Some of the more luckier ones had connections and were sent to their respective guardians, be it butlers or cousins or siblings.

I was one of those lucky kids, sent to one of the mansions owned by my father who was also the head of the project. How lucky of me to have such a caring father.

Note the sarcasm.

Still, I was a bit lucky when I encountered Matsuo. Such a kind-hearted person suffering under my father, obliged to follow my father's morally gray orders while also supporting a 13 year old son was taxing for his mentality. Added to it the concern aimed towards me was making his life even more stressful. A cause of worry to me, it was.

A 9 year old me would have sent me to get my sanity checked if he ever heard that I cared for the health of a person. Understandable, seeing as trust and friends were the taboo of White Room.

The Defiant Elite {Discontinued}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant