Chapter 8. Freedom and Sugar

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Here you go.

"Are you free during lunch? Do you want to eat together?"

During break-time, Horikita came up to me and asked.

"An invitation from you is unusual. I feel suspicious."

"It's nothing unusual. I just feel like it."

Now that makes me even more apprehensive. It's pretty likely that she has some ulterior motive and would try something shady to get me to help her with it. It's better to just straight up reject her now.

"Sorry, but I am busy now. Also, you need my help regarding the three idiots, right?"

A surprised expression on her face confirmed that I was indeed correct. And she should know that there are other capable people for the job she wants to be done.

"Yes, it's about them. I am going to tutor them and you just need to gather them up."

"Me? But there are better people than me for the job like Kushida and she would help you immediately."

Especially after seeing the whole scene she caused in the plaza and her frequent attempts through me to get in contact with Horikita had failed miserably. This was a golden ticket for Kushida and would likely please her immeasurably. A suspicious behaviour in my opinion and something that I would have to dig deeper into.

But that's a thought for later.

"Not her. I feel like she hates me and I don't particularly like her either."

Oh? Is she suspicious too? I guess that Kushida has a different attitude towards Horikita than others, since she still tries to be friends with Horikita while she already has abandoned any hopes of friendship with other loners like Sakura, Okitani and Ijuin.

"If you hate Kushida, then that's just your personal opinion interfering with this. Be rational and just ask for her help."

She looked a bit frustrated at the accurate statement but nevertheless accepted it.

"Fine. I will think about it."

Departing with a farewell, I went towards the door where Kuroko was standing, waiting for me.

"What did she want? She looked a bit more annoying than normal."

"Nothing really. She just wanted my help and never expected me to deny her."

"Huh, I guess the rumours about her personality were not far from the truth."

Rumours? I never cared for rumours except when they were intriguing or amusing. But I would be lying if I said that I wasn't interested to hear about them.

"What kind of rumours are there about her?" I asked with a curious tone.

"Some say that she was a delinquent in middle school while some say that she is a criminal on the run who decided to hide in this school. There are many others but these two are the most popular of all."

Her personality is not very appealing to others, is it?

Anyways, a delinquent was plausible but a criminal on the run? That's hard to believe. She may be scary but she was not immoral enough to be a criminal.

But, now that I think about it, this school is a perfect place for a 15 year old criminal to hide until the heat dies down outside. This school was completely sealed off and would work as a hiding place for a criminal since nobody would think about hiding from the law in a government school.

A sudden sound suddenly broke me out of my thoughts as I looked beside Kuroko to see him on the floor with another guy fallen beside him and a bunch of scattered papers around him. Looks like someone had been unable to see Kuroko and collided against him, again. Sighing, I helped him to his feet as the other guy too got to his feets with an intimidating look to him.

The Defiant Elite {Discontinued}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz