"I'm sorry," he whispered wide eyes.

"It's been eight years, You don't get to be sorry, you could've came back this whole time and you chose not too," Katara scoffed crossing here arms.

"Wow, I thought I'd be happy finding you, I thought everything would fall into place and we'd have hope again, but I feel nothing but disappointment, I can't believe this," she waved him off.

"You came to find me," Aang gulped.

"I've been trying to find you, but I can't even look at you right now," Katara shook her head and walked off feeling sick to her stomach.

"Katara," Aang whimpered going after her but Zuko grabbed the back of his shirt.

"Leave her," Zuko glared. "Let her have a moment,"

Aang watched Katara storm off but stepped back nodding.

"I just want to know why you never came back to us? Killing my father is one thing but never coming back.." Zuko held aangs shoulder so he couldn't squirm out of the conversation.

"I don't know, I couldn't do it," Aang looked away.

"The sun is rising, Sokka I need to talk to you," Zuko turned over to the other man as Aang was terrified to be this close to Toph.

Katara slammed her fist into the wall next to her and she yelled in pain holding her fist to her chest with her hands shaking in rage.

She was furious, she's never been this angry and it's all at Aang, this isn't what she thought would happen if she found him.

"Fuck!" she screamed into the empty air.

Aang finally came back and he didn't seem to show any remorse. She needed him! She needed him for years to come back and he doesn't even seem like he wants to join them again.

"You bastard!" She yelled punching the wall again but she held her fist to the wall as she panted. She could feel her knuckles bleeding but she didn't care.

He didn't care. Aang is selfish... he's always been selfish.

Katara inhaled a deep breath trying to calm herself. How was she so blind? Aang has been selfish since the beginning, he didn't want responsibility he wanted to have fun and act like nothing was wrong, he wanted the attention for being the avatar but that was it.

How would aangs mentor react if he came back during the beginning of the war?

He'd probably be happy to see his pupil again, because it was the first time he left, because it was when Aang was scared of being taken away from his family.

But this was the second time. It was right before sozins comet when he knew the risk of losing to Ozai.

Fuck it. She'd kill Ozai if she has too. He deserves a slow death but they don't have time for a slow death.

Katara looked at her knuckles seeing the blood and open wound from the rough wall texture fighting back for her punching it.

She realized the sun was up now, it's been a little while since she went to throw her tantrum, guess she had to go back.

Katara couldn't help but remember when Aang kissed her only days before he left. At the play. She was so confused with her feelings, she'd never admit it but there was someone else that made her question why she didn't feel romantic feelings for Aang. He was a kid that she always had to take care of... she wanted to be taken care of sometimes. but all that confusion was gone now.

Seeing Aang again brought no feelings back, she didn't feel that flutter or heat in her cheeks seeing him again.

She looked down remembering she did when she saw Zuko. The surprise of seeing him again but the way her heart jumped to her throat was all to familiar. Maybe it was fear at the same time.

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