Chapter Two;

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I put the car in park as I look around the old home, still very much up kept and as beautiful as I remember. The place I had practically grown up, now to be gone in the coming weeks. I breath in before turning the keys and turning the engine off before stepping out and onto the dirt.

My eyes fall upon the white shutters and a lonely brown two story home. It still seems as big as it did back then. Closing my door to my car, I hold my keys as I walk up the path to the door. Greenery surrounded the front, vines snaking up the walls and pillars and over the balcony. I step onto the porch and walk over to the front wooden door, sliding the key in and twisting it to unlock it. I turn the knob and push the door open.

I step inside and take in a deep breath, allowing the old scent of my childhood to envelope me. My eyes close for a moment before I flip on the light switch, the chandelier lighting up above me. Looking around, I walk over to the opening to the left of me. Leaving the small first room lined with coat racks and a long mat, meant for your shoes. I slowly slide my shoes off before entering the living room area, seeing the white furniture in all there usual spots against the long white walls.

My eyes fall upon the pictures placed on the walls above the tables and furniture. Pictures of my mother and me and old friends from the island. I take another step into the room before walking through an open door way adjacent to me. Seeing the stairs to my right, I ascend them; hearing them squeak as I go. Making it to the second story I hesitate before walking over to my grandmothers bedroom, the second door to the right. The door is slightly ajar as I slink my hand in and flip on the light. I push her door open just a bit to take view of her things.

I turn away, not being to take it in without her being there. My feet walk across the hard wood floor as I make my way to my old room that my grandmother set up for me when I was born. Allowing me to transition it anyway I preferred when I was younger. I turn the knob to my room and flip on the light, seeing my old bed and furniture. Pictures hang from my wall and on my bed from my teen years. I walk over to my mirror and glance around at the pictures hanging around it. Memories coming into my mind before I walk away.

I shake my head as I walk away and make my way downstairs back to my shoes. Putting them on, I head back outside to retrieve my belongings. After a few moments, I am back inside and my car is locked. Locking the front door behind me I slide off my shoes before heading to the kitchen to put away my drinks and food; then to my room upstairs. I place my bag on the bed and head to the bathroom. After relieving myself, I pull out my phone from my pocket and text Lanna. After doing so, I pull out everything from my bag and grab my lighter and contents as I head to the glass double doors to my balcony.

Opening the doors, I see the sun beginning to set; perfect. It has been awhile since I have enjoyed this. I light up my blunt as I take a step out onto the concrete balcony, breathing in the smoke and allowing it to fill my lungs. I close my eyes as I let it rest for a moment before slowly exhaling. My eyes open and I glance at my car below me on the gravel driveway, the sun setting behind the trees that is maybe thirty feet from the driveway. The one thing I love more than anything is this spot. I take another puff and watch the sun set before me, the orange tint and pink and purple hues beaming towards me as I release the smoke from my lungs.

I've always loved sunsets. The orange hue that is not actually orange, fluffy and light and whole. I smile as I take another puff, my phone taking me out of my trance as I see it's Lanna. I reply back, seeing she will be here the following day. I offer her to stay with me for the next few days and she agrees. I finish my smoke just as the sun goes below the tree line. I put it out and close my glass doors, locking them behind me before closing my black curtains. I check my phone and see it's half passed seven. I make my way downstairs and take out my food to heat it up to eat.

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