"It's not that easy princess...Sebastian contact Xavier Ivanov ,Blake Martinez and Alex Costa"

He shoots his head up at me

"I'm sorry you know those people" he states with disbelief

"I own them" I shrug leaning back

"Who are they" Zuri frowns looking at both of us

"In this world of billionaires you know we have the drug dealers, arms dealer is we have a hierarchy right so Blake is fourth ,Xavier is third and Alex is second"

"Whose first " she asked with curiosity

"Nobody knows but whoever they ar-" I cut him off

"It's me " I scoff rolling my eye's

"No" Seb chuckles thinking I'm joking but my face has no amusement on it

"What the fuck" he stands putting his laptop down

"Okay now you must be fucking with me" he barks out a chuckle

"Wait what's wrong" Zuri speaks up and Seb looks at her

"Zuri I don't think you fucking understand . The man your dating..... wow this guy "he chuckles pointing at me

"I might as well be a dead man " he scoffs sitting down

"I'm confused" she looks at me

"Well princess awhile ago I was feared for a lot things and well fear comes with doing things to stay in power "

"What exactly did you do to install this 'fear' "

"Ohh that's my favorite question tell her Mark" he rubs his chin

"His being dramatic honestly I just killed a few people"I turn dramatically to look out the window

"How many" her curiosity growing

"Half a million" I boredly state

"In the course of your life?" Her eyebrows rise

"Every year" I huff out

"What" she says with disbelief

Me and Seb look at each other and we start laughing

"We're playing" I chuckle out

"She really is gullible" Seb says holding his stomach

"Fuck you guys" she rolls her eyes

"Well damn who would of thought the bloodhound was a real person"Seb says calming down

"For someone whose a hacker/tracker I thought you would of known"

"Well your security systems aren't exactly  hackable"

"Ahh yes perks" I grin

"Wait so you didn't kill anybody" her features softening

"I don't do my own dirty work" I shrug

"Wait what" she whips her head my direction but Seb quickly shuts her down

"Hey enough getting to know each other ...how are we going to assess the Mahdia and James situation"

"As of right now they aren't a threat but we need to keep a close eye on them as we don't exactly know what their end goal is   "

"Well should I still contact Xavier , Blake and Alex "

"Yeah remind them in a 'polite' way that they owe me " I look down at my watch "fuck Zuri its 4am you should go sleep I'll be with you in a minute"

"Okay" she nods sweetly and she kisses my cheek

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