Voicemail part 2: I like crazy

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"We are gathered here to show love and respect to our beloved Marca (Mark) Admos. He was a man of loyalty, a man that symbolized strength . His friends and family mourn today as he departs himself from their lives. I want to bring up someone that loved him through thick and thin someone who founded his establishments with him" the pastor turns to look at Mahdia

Sobbing she quietly goes up the stairs

"Hi my name's Mahdia smith it was going to be Admos but my fiancé lays dead in front of my eyes and I can't help-"

"I'm sorry your finance " I yell standing up

"Zuri calm down"James says pulling me down to take a seat

"No she can't come into my life and claim that Mark is hers his mine" running to the stage I grab a fistful of her hair and I smashed her head repeatedly on the podium

"Ahhh somebody get this homewrecker out of here" Mahdia screamed

"Homewrecker ... I'll show you homewrecker"

"Zuri let go of her your causing a scene" James yells trying to make me stop

"I don't care" grabbing the pen on the podium , I turn Mahdia around and I viciously stab her in the eye's .

Her screams eventually die out

James drags me away from her as she bleeds on the spot . Looking down at my clothes their covered in blood

"She's dead" the pastor says checking Mahdia's pulse

Looking up at James his shaking his head at me 

James POV:

"Zuri ,Zuri wake up" I shake her as she screams in her sleep

"No no his mine" she cries in her sleep

"Zuri wake up" , she jumps up frantically looking around at her surroundings , beads of sweat drip down her forehead and she wipes them away

"It was just a dream , Zuri" I try calming her down

Her breathing cools and she sits back down on the hospital chair sighing

We got here 7 hours ago and the nurse said we couldn't go see Mark. Zuri didn't handle the news well she cried and screamed the nurse had to give her a sedative to calm her down . Eventually she fell asleep

Me on the other I've been up looking after her resting form.

Mark informed me about the threat Jamal gave him 4 days ago .I can't lose her and him .

Zuri POV:

Looking around I'm still in the waiting room

I don't understand why I had that dream

Am I blaming Mahdia for all of this

"James" sighing I look at him

"Yes" his eyebrows frown

"I can never forgive myself if he dies"

"Me too" he sighs slumping back into his chair

The door from the emergency room opens. James and I turn our heads in that direction, we see Marks doctor walk out and we rushed towards her

A pained expression crosses her eye's but she tries to keep professional

"Uhm ma'am, sir it appears that the patient will have to undergo a series of -"

"Could you please cut the bullshit is my boyfriend okay" I cut  her off

"Well ma'am it's hard to tell he uhm lost a couple of limps"

6 daysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon