"I made it~" Mason wheezed with a breathless laugh and promptly passed out to be woken up in the morning by angry employees.


1 Month Later...

"How do they keep finding me!?" Mason thought as he hid behind a carnival tent, peeking around a clown statue spotting the two men moving through the crowd looking for him. "Do they have a tracker on me? But I've changed clothes several times, usually because my clothes got ruined, so it can't be that. So how?" Mason wondered, scrubbing his hands over his face and let out a weak whimper.

"There is he!" Mason heard someone shout and without even checking to see who yelled it, he started running like his... well, because his life depended on it!


3 Months and 2 Weeks Later...

"Oh, aren't you just adorable?" a very tall muscular man... well, a woman actually as it was explained to Mason. The person who had taken Mason in was something called a "drag queen" and the very tall, beefy, woman with a light scruff on her chin had apparently adopted Mason when the boy had bumped into them on the street running from the hunters. It seemed like common thugs going after a poor defenseless young man and the muscular woman had felt it was her duty to step in and drop her womanly voice for a more gruff, intimidating voice. "Leave him alone!" the woman had roared like a bear and easily knocked one of the men on their ass before a police car had pulled up to break-up the fight.

"I don't think I can stay long with you," Mason admitted, trying to sneak away to the door but the drag queen had brought him with her to the bar she worked at and her other rather muscular manly drag queen friends had fallen in love with the red head the minute they laid eyes on him pulling the boy into a hug any chance they could.

"Why don't you come home with me, little boy, and I'll make a man out of you," one woman offered wearing a very large pink wig that looked like a honeycomb on her head, Mason squirming as he was pulled into her fake breasts feeling the plastic through the fabric.

"Nobody wants your loose ass!" Mason's founder snapped, yanking the red head out of her arms and the women started fighting over him again. This was the fifth time today between breaks while serving customers and putting on little performances like singing or funny skits.

"Please don't fight!" Mason called out, whimpering, when he smelled something funny and... familiar. Mason whirled around suddenly from where he was standing and barely dodged as one of the "women" lunged at him with a knife coated in wolfsbane. It was an actual man, one of the hunters in a dress, and he was targeting Mason who stumbled away but he clearly had nothing to worry about. The women in the room turned on the man and let their own manly strength show as they all converged on the man and beat him to a pulp, throwing him to the street when they were done dusting their hands afterward. "Note to self: Don't get in a fight with a drag queen," Mason thought, sneaking away. He couldn't put those women in danger, even if they could handle themselves fairly well, but if Mason was being honest with himself he was a little scared of those women. Mostly for the protection of his chastity...


4 Months Later...

"How did I get here?" Mason asked himself, whimpering as the lioness licked him clean after cleaning her cubs. She had adopted him it seemed having him sleep, eat, and play with her other cubs. Anytime the zookeepers came to check on them he would hide in the bushes throughout the habitat or behind a rock, too afraid to see what they would do to him if they found him in here, when Mason looked up as tourists were walking around and saw two men in black suits standing almost statue still staring down directly at him. "Oh right. They chased me here," Mason thought, laughing nervously to himself as the lioness carefully picked him up by his scruff and carried him over to a sunnier patch since the sun had shifted overhead with her cubs racing after pouncing and lunging at one another. A few tried to play with Mason but for the most part they were ignoring him or found him so odd they would stare at him for a long time. Mason wasn't sure if it was simply out of curiosity or if they were debating whether to eat him but for the moment, Mason was stuck in the lion pit with them as tourists came and went with very few noticing the very small black furry thing with the lions.


6 Months Later...

Mason ran from the hunters from the library he had been and slipped into the alleyway by a grocery store when they had accidentally trespassed onto werewolf territory. This gained the attention of the pack and...


"Well, you know the rest," Mason said, letting out a long sigh as the events from his past surfaced in his mind. Ajax and Nicholas had listened quietly to his story, interrupting rarely to ask a question or for clarification, who were now staring at one another clearly having a silent conversation Mason wasn't in on. "I wonder if that lion and her cubs are doing okay. There was this really annoying employee working there with them who kept being too rough with the cubs," Mason mumbled to himself, slightly irritated, and started wondering if he should try looking for that zoo when Nicholas stood up from the couch suddenly. "What're you doing?"

"Everything is fine," Ajax said, also standing up from his chair and they both started walking toward the front door.

"Where are you going?" Mason asked, looking from one alpha to the other and felt a strange sense of deja vu.

"To kill every single one of those men," Nicholas seethed, pissed, and both men exited the house while Mason gaped after them in horror.

"WHAT WERE WE JUST TALKING ABOUT!? You can't do that. They'll kill you!" Mason snapped as he scrambled out the door after them trying to push them back toward the house but he couldn't stop their advance on his own, his feet sliding against the ground or nearly falling over when he tried to be a wall in front of Ajax. "Stop. Cease. Desist. Halt!" Mason cried out, tugging on the back of their shirts but they easily dragged him along like he wasn't even there. Until...

"Ajax. Nick," a voice said sweetly, both Mune men freezing so suddenly that Mason pitched forward and nearly flopped onto the ground if Nicholas's arms hadn't instinctively shot out and caught him over his arm. Ajax and Nicholas very slowly turned around, looking over their shoulders back toward the house, and saw Milly standing in the doorway smiling like an innocent angel but her killing intent was clear as day. "Get your asses back inside before I kick them there for you," Milly said, giggling cutely with a bright smile.

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