Chapter forty one Goodbye memories

Start from the beginning

A huge quite discussion later, Rose and I stepped forward. "Morning honey. How is my little Clara Cullen feeling today?"

"Are you my daddy?"

"Yes he is, and I am your mommy." Rose turned into instant mom and swooped her up in her arms. "Now how old are you!?" Clara stopped for a second and counted, then held up five tiny and slim fingers. "Five!"

She nodded happily and thus the charade began. Rose got the daughter she always wanted, and my little Slip went back to normal, her pain and suffering over.

Clara's POV

Mommy and daddy had disappeared downstairs with grandma, grandpa, and all my aunties and uncles into grandpa's office and told me to go play. When they went into the office, two people said, who said they where friends and not my auntie and uncle, left the house to go home.

Now I sit in the living room alone laughing and playing with a set of dolls I forgot I had, but Auntie Alice had found.

Growing bored of the dolls I set them down and ran over to the door. "-long are we going to keep this secret?" Mommy asked

"Until she is old enough to handle it." Grandpa said quickly, and quietly.

"Company." Uncle Edward said, and instantly I gasped and turned to run back to my dolls, but my foot slid on the wooden floors and I fell backwards, my head bouncing off the ground and I cried out.

"Are you okay Slip!?" Daddy ran over to me and helped me up as tears welled in my eyes. They spilled over and dad hushed me, rocking me back and forth in his arms. Grandpa came down and looked at the back of my head, then my eyes, checking me for some reason and looked up to dad.

"Slight concussion." He said and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, looking into my eyes. "Clara darling, you must be more careful. Okay?" I nodded slowly and wiped away the tears. "Now what did you want?" He said.

"I wanted to play." I said, sniffling rubbing the back of my head. "What were you talking about?" I tipped my head to one side and stared expectantly.

"You need to settle down for dinner though honey." Mommy said, crouching down next to me.

"Why don't we draw together!" Auntie Alice called and instantly I felt a smile burst forth and I nodded my head.

Rose's POV

I stood in the kitchen with Bella, Esme, Jazzy, Eddie, and Emmett, all of us trying to figure out what five year old Clara liked. "I don't think she would have liked a lot of vegetables."

"Well, she can't have changed her mind drastically. What did she normally eat?" Bella asked, her fingers thrumming the counter lightly.

"She normally had whatever Jake and Ness wanted." Esme answered after a quick second of thought.

"We are making this way to difficult. Alice." I called up in a slightly louder talk. "Can you ask what Clara hopes she is going to have for dinner."

"What do you think mommy and daddy are going to make you for dinner?" I heard Alice asked as if she was genuinely curious.

"Ice cream. Chicken nuggets. French fries." She listed the meal out so easily, it was like all she ever wanted to eat. "Green beans too!" Her child accent was adorable, words coming out like Chikee in stead for chicken, fench instead of French, geen instead of green.

We instantly burst into action as I silently thanked Alice, and we started making the meal, only thing we excluded was the ice cream. She was already sort of hyper, last thing we needed was her bouncing around anywhere else.

When the meal was served, she squealed and looked to Alice shocked that she had predicted right. As Clara chowed down, Alice walked over and opened a drawing, showing it to us. "Clara drew this..." It was a picture of Cody, perfectly sketched out, when Alice flipped if over there was a picture of Clara's adoptive father on the other side. "I asked who they where, and she said they where her imaginary friends."

"Does this mean she is already turning to normal?" I asked, looking hopefully to Alice, granted I always wanted a daughter, but I had never thought I would get my daughter because her parents had given up on her, she had a mental break, and turned herself into a five year old only two and a half days after her eighth birthday, all the meanwhile she had looked seventeen.

"No. I had a glimpse of the future, and I can tell you right now, it's going to be a long while." She sighed, hanging her head sadly.

"We need to remake her room. It's not human safe, and definitely not clumsy human safe." I said, thinking about what could happen to her in that room. "Wait... how long exactly Alice?"

"Until we decide to tell her. She is growing up a human... there is no actual vampire genes in her anymore."

"So this is basically like a new beginning?" I asked hesitantly.

"This is exactly a new beginning."

Nothings going to be the same again.


This is so messed up I know! I am sorry! Honestly though, would you rather Clara suffer from the loss of Cody, or enjoy her innocence and have Cody as an imaginary friend?

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