☔︎︎Chapter 35: On Your Darkest Night 2☔︎︎

Start from the beginning

"I-It fine Nadya." He seethes clutching his side tighter, his body dripping with sweat as I unbutton his shirt.

"Ya znayu, chto eto bol'no, moya lyubov', pozhaluysta, ne boysya..." I plead with him in Russian so that only he understands me. I know it hurts my love please do not be afraid.

Niklaus shuts his eyes and cries out in agony as the second wave of pain overcomes him, his screams are lava in my veins and I feel his pain too. He writhes in anguish and I feel my heart wrench in my body I have to clutch my chest in fear that it will leave me.

"Nadya please!" Martina calls to me in response, "can't you see he's suffering?"

I couldn't allow myself to freeze now, I had to move and move fast, I had to save his life, it all relied on me.

I made my way back to the room and ruffled through my suitcase hurriedly but I couldn't find anything and I felt my chest closing in on Itself. If something bad happened today it would be all on me, everyone was relying on me right now. Just then Rune made his way into the room and saw my panic, he crouched down and hugged me.

"You're okay, he's going to be okay Nadya you just need to focus and remember where you put it." Rune encourages, "breathe."

Runes eyes drift to the picture of me and my brothers when we were younger and he narrows his eyes slightly but it was almost as if whatever he thought he knew faded away immediately. I heard Niklaus scream again, that was my wake up call and I shut my eyes and focused remembering that it was in the bottom pocket.

I pulled it out and put it into the syringe of the needle, I hurried downstairs and saw Niklaus as Martina held him down as his eyes began to roll into the back of his head from the poison coursing through his body.

"Make it stop Nadya please!" Martina begs me, "his heart rate is slowing down."

I hover over him and flick the needle so the serum flows to the tip, "this is going to hurt Niklaus, be strong for me okay?" I warn him but I know he's delirious and cannot distinguish the sound of my voice. I grab hold of his forearm and find a vein before sliding the needle into his skin and he cries out. I find myself silently praying to his God to save him for me.

I watched as his body began to receive the cure and his veins disappeared from his neck and his heart rate paced again. I counted 68 beats in the first minute which was better than before. But he still has a fever, which is normal considering the circumstances.

"Rune please bring me a cloth and some cool water?" I ask him and he nods silently, "I think the cure is working now."

"Thank heavens." Sade sighs.

Once rune brings the cool cloth I place it on his forehead, Niklaus's eyes are shut and he's probably fainted from the impact, he'll wake up soon. I know he will.


Soon enough the impact of the fever begins to overwhelm him and he starts to mumble strange nothings in his sleep.

"I didn't want to leave her..." he mumbles as I try to wipe the precipitation off his forehead.

"What is he saying?" Sade asks entering the room, "is she awake?"

"No, he's not, he's just delirious." I explain to her, "he keeps mumbling about some girl."

"She's everything to me..." he sighs tossing and turning,
"I can't leave her."

"Shhh love, enough get some rest." I plead silently with him but he's restless and it's past midnight.

"It's my fault..." he chokes, "I let the cold get her."

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