Chapter 30: the first goodbyes

Start from the beginning

Once I was up and dressed, I checked that both Wilbur and Techno were up. Wilbur was, and slowly getting ready for school. Techno however wasn't. Lucky for him, his first lesson of the day wasn't until 11:30, so whilst he was supposed to be in from 8:40, I would email the school and let them know he was going to be in late. 

Techno did struggle a lot with the constant stream of foster kids and whilst I had told him that if he said no, we would stop, he just never said no. I suppose that Tommy had a hold on Techno that no other foster kids ever had done before. I left him sleeping and would wake him up when Wilbur had left, giving him enough time to get himself readjusted before going to school.

I briefly stuck my head round Tommy's door, and found them both asleep. Which was good, because it was far too early anyway, and they both needed the sleep. I couldn't quite believe they were leaving today. I'd make sure that they were up so that Wilbur could say goodbye before he left the house.

Whilst writing the email to Techno's head of sixth form, I put 4 slices of toast in the toaster and stood waiting. Wilbur waltzed down the stairs, headphones on and listening to music. "What do you want on your toast Will?" I asked, getting the spreads out the cupboard.

"It's fine, I'll do it."

"Okay mate. Did you want to say goodbye to the boys before you leave? They'll be gone by the time you get home from school."

"I don't know." He shrugged as he spread copious amounts of peanut butter off his toast.

"I'll go up quickly and see if their awake." I started walking to the stairs but turned on my heel and faced my son again. "Oh and mum is taking you to the bus stop like she normally does, Techno isn't going with you though. That okay?"

"It's fine." He said, a sad smile on his face.

"And I've emailed school by the way, so they know that you might have a bit of a bad brain day." Bad brain days: my term for when things don't go too well. It was something I picked up from my mum, she used to used it when my younger brother wasn't having the best of days. Sort of stuck with me after that.

"Thanks," he mumbled, half a piece of toast coming out his mouth.

"Right, please make sure you've got your inhaler on you today and your pe kit, and your school books, pencil case, water bottle..." I rambled.

"I've got it all Dad, I'm fine. Go check on the others."

I gave him a slow nod and a smile, "have a good day at school Wilbur." I then returned to Tommy and Tubbo's bedroom. By this time it was 7:15, Kristen rushed past me going down the stairs and I said goodbye to her as I went in the other direction.

I creeped down the hall and could hear sounds for my youngest son's bedroom. I knocked first. "We are just getting changed Phil, we'll be out in a minute."

"Okay, just come down when you're ready then mate," I said, finishing our conversation through the door and moving back down to Techno's room. I knocked on that door too.

A groan came through the wood so I opened it slightly. "Morning mate."

"Morning Dad," he mumbled, yawning and stretching in his bed. Suddenly he jumped up, "wait, what time is it?"

"Don't worry, I've emailed school to let them know you'll be in later, it's fine."

"Does that mean I get to stay with Tubbo and Tommy for a bit?" He asked hopefully, his normal monotone voice going up just a few frequencies.

"Yes mate it does. But I want you dressed before you come downstairs, okay? You have all your school clothes laid out right?" 

He looked at me with a guilty look before protesting, "I tried but my brain was too worried last night and I just couldn't do it, and then it stressed me out and," he took a small breath but I managed to cut in.

Just me and him- autistic Tommy and big brother Tubbo, SBI adoption storyWhere stories live. Discover now