More bonding

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Next day .....

As usual subhadra accompanied her husband for Surya pooja . After returning karna went to training ground while subhadra went to kitchen with bhanumati .

Earlier subhadra had complained to bhanumati regarding Duryodhana avoiding her  . Bhanumati used the opportunity to play prank on her husband and told subhadra about her plan . Subhadra was reluctant at first but bhanumati somehow convinced her .

Duryodhana was practising mace fight with karna in the training ground . Other Kauravas and Pandavas were also practicing there.

Dhuryodhana was still feeling awkward facing subhadra. Karna tried to help his friend by telling him that subhadra was not angry with him but he was not convinced .

They saw subhadra and bhanumati approaching them. Karna and dhuryodhana was wondering why they were here . When they stood before them , they noticed that subhadra was holding a glass in her hand .

Subhadra smiled looking at Duryodhana and said " why are avoiding me ? You have saved me by asking my husband to abduct me , why would I be angry with you when you have only done good for me . You're like a brother to me . Won't you consider me as your sister ?."

Duryodhana felt happy listening to subhadra . She even thought of him as a brother . He had always considered her as a sister out of respect for his gurudev balaram but now she was also wife of his best friend whom he loved like his brothers or even more .

He smiled at her and said " I'm proud to have you as my sister . Infact you were my sister the moment you married karna .  "

Subhadra felt elated hearing him .
She said " If you consider me sister then first you should drink this " she handed him the drink which they had made for him .

"what's this ?" dhuryodhana asked her out of curiosity.

subhadra was biting her lips to control her laughter , she was not able speak .

Seeing that there plan might fail Bhanumati immediately said " It's a drink subhadra made for you , she thinks if you don't drink it , it means you are not seriously considering her as your sister . It will be like insulting her "

Karna was watching everything curiously and he guessed what they were upto. Before subhadra it was he who was bhanumati's partner in crime when it came to playing pranks on others . But he had left Duryodhana from their pranks and bhanumati was disappointed with his decision . Now that she had got a new partner , ofcourse she would not leave her husband from her pranks .

Duryodhana immediately took the drink from subhadra , he didn't want to disappoint subhadra. He took a sip of it , his eyes widened , it had a disgusting taste . He understood they both had tricked him , if he spit it out then subhadra would consider it an insult . He somehow swallowed it but still there was more drink left .

Seeing his face karna and bhanumati burst out laughing . Dhuryodhana glared at his wife but she mocked him showing her tongue in a playful way.

Subhadra felt pity seeing dhuryodhana trying to drink it even though it had a gross taste, just to prove that he really considers her as a sister.
She felt lucky to have him as brother . He was going take another sip when subhadra stopped him and took the  drink from him . Dhuryodhana felt relieved , it was really gross , he had never tasted anything like that before . Subhadra told him that he had passed the test and he will always be her brother . Dhuryodhana was happy that everything went well , he promised her that he will always protect her and be with her when she needs him. Both were emotional , subhadra's eyes where brimming with tears . Karna took subhadra with him  before she starts crying in front of everyone. Then he teased her for crying for such silly things .

Pandavas who were also practicing nearby had stopped their practice to watch the drama unfolding before them . They were not happy with what was happening . Arjuna still believed that subhadra is acting in front of everyone .

Later karna took subhadra for a walk . There were many trees surrounding the palace . There was also a beautiful garden . They were holding each other's hand and walking , often glancing at each other . They went to palace garden first . They enjoyed the Fragrance and beauty of various kinds flowers there.
Then they walked towards trees , karna remembered his childhood and told subhadra about how he used to climb trees with his friends of suta community . They would sometimes fall but he never got hurt but his friends used to get bruised all over their body . He told her about his invisible kavatch , how it protects him from any kind of danger . Subhadra told him that she was amazed when she first saw it during kalapradarshan .

They stopped near a huge tree which had a swing attached to it . Subhadra was excited seeing it . Karna had actually planned to bring his wife here . She immediately sat on the swing and asked her husband to push it , karna stood behind her and started  pulling the swing then after reaching certain height he left it , then he continued pushing giving it momentum, slowly he kept increasing the speed but made sure that she is safe . Subhadra was laughing with joy, she was experiencing immense pleasure . Karna was feeling delighted having made his wife happy . After some time he stopped the swing . She told him she wants to play more , but he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer to him and demanded a kiss . She told him that someone might see . To which he replied saying "look around darling nobody is here , either you kiss me here when nobody is watching or I will kiss you infront of everyone . You decide "

She was feeling irritated , she knew her husband didn't feel shame when it came to love . She thought her husband would do as he said so it's better to kiss him now than getting embarassed infront of everyone .

She nodded at her husband agreeing to his demand . They both kissed passionately , after a long time they stopped for breathing. Subhadra took this as an opportunity and run away from her husband before he could ask her for more . She didn't want anyone to see them kissing .

Unknown to them, arjuna had seen everything hiding behind a nearby tree. He had followed them carefully without getting noticed and when they were playing in swing he managed to get closer to them and was silently watching them . His heart broke into million pieces when he saw her kissing karna . But he heard how he was blackmailing her . So he was now sure that she was acting like she is in love with karna because of his blackmailing . He was also confused because they were holding each others hand and she looked happy while playing in swing . Whatever that may be , he decided he would meet her soon and confess his feelings .

Arjuna decided to tell his brothers about his plan. whether they support him or not , nothing will stop him . But if they supported him then it will make things easy , he thought . He was really suprised at their response.  He never expected his brother yudhishthira will support him. He was the first one to agree with him and said it was dharma which he was doing and even appreciated him for having a heart to accept subhadra even after her being married . His other brothers also appreciated him and told him that they will support him . They even told him that they will come along with him while meeting her as she would trust his words more when she sees everyone together and they might also be able to say few things to convince her .Then arjuna told his brother yudhishthira that he will tell subhadra that she can stay in indraprastha with him , inorder to convince her . Yudhisthira said since it is for a greater cause , it is dharma to do so . Arjuna felt glad that his brother is supporting him in everything.

Later at night when karna went to his wife , she had a disappointed face . He knew the reason so he smiled at her and kissed her forehead . He then cupped her face with his hands and made her eyes look into his . He then told her that he was just playing with her and he would never kiss her infront of family as he is not that shameless . Her anger melted away by his charms .

They had a romantic night ..........


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