chapter 42

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"now you know why I was so obsessed with you, why I'm so eager to get you back. Y/n"

Elizabeth said while y/n was just looking at the window while she turn to face Elizabeth.

"I do feel bad for you, I really am..but just so you know I'm not Mikaela"

"I knew you would say that"

Elizabeth said as she stood up.

"If those dimitrescu haven't got to you first then maybe we still have a chance"

Just then my face turn serious when she mention the dimitrescu.

"How I've wish your face can turn like that when someone mention my name"

"If you ever do anything about them"

My eyes glow as she just smiled at me.

"Oh don't worry, my Mikaela"

She said as she walk towards something as she let out a giggle.

"I'm not gonna do anything to your precious girlfriends but"


"I'm gonna take back my Mikaela"


I was about to get ready when she just chuckled at me.

"When I'm done with you, I'm gonna finish dracula and fucking live a normal life"

I said as she just smiled at me.

"Oh no need to, my love"

I cock my eyebrow at her as she gave me a smirk and throw something in front of me.

My eyes widen when I saw the head of the count dracula.


"I'm a witch and a dracula, y/n. I can kill him if I want to but it's not just the time but now"

She smirks at me as she gave me those obsession look.

"I can do whatever I want because your here~"

I've felt a little terrified on her power as I slightly move back.

"What's wrong, love?"

She said as she immediately appeared Infront of me as I let out a punch but she immediately caught my hand and pin it against the the window.

She is looking at me with those lust as she was smirking while sniffing my scent.

"Your scent our just like hers but I'm afraid your soul are different"


I tried getting out but fuck she's strong, she must have take count draculas power that made her ten times stronger now.

*Break the window*

Someone said in my mind as I got surprised. I then look at the window to see it had a crack when Elizabeth pin me.

I then look back at Elizabeth as she was just so focused on me.

"Oh Mikaela, my lovely mikaela~"

She said as she just look at me.

*What should I do*

I ask the person whoever it was as it respond.

*Kiss her so she can let her guard down then immediately push yourself hard on the window to break*

*Kiss? no fucking way I'm gonna-*

*Then do you have a better option?*

I didn't respond to the person as I curse it and do as it says. I kiss Elizabeth aggressively as she got surprised.

But then she kiss back as she wrap her arms on my neck. She bit my lip hard as it bleed as I groan.


I said between the kiss as I move forward so that I can break the window hard.

A move a little as she move back as I immediately kick the window and pulled away from her.

Luckily her grip wasn't tight as I manage to push myself on the window.

Elizabeth then look at me while falling down as she just smirk while licking her lips.

I then vanish into bats as I fly away from that place.


I land on the forest not far from the school as I immediately wipe off my lips.

"Fuck! This is the 2nd time that woman have kiss me and worse I kiss her!"

I said to myself as I punch the tree that it fell down.

"That got me thinking...who was that person in my head?"

I said as I suddenly felt a sting on my head and it showed me something.

*What the fuck?*

It showed me some place as I got confused.

*This is... The mansion I gave to Claire and the others*

I thought as it return me back to reality.

"Is it telling me to go there?"

I groan in frustration as I go to my mansion.

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