chapter 26

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We manage to take out the three dead bodies of the vampire thanks to those secret way.

I ask the girls to call the others while I dump this three on the forest nearby. I immediately use vampire speed to dump this body faster.

Once I got in the middle I immediately drop the bodies and sigh in relief as I lean on one of the trees.

"Fucking Dracula's won't leave us even for just five minutes"

I then look down as I recalled what the vampire said to Daniela.

*What does the triplets brothers want with the girls?*

I thought as I zoned out trying to think what those fucker wants with the girls.

Thinking it only makes my blood boil but suddenly I heard a noise that I immediately look.

*And as I said don't even leave us for just five minutes*

I don't see anyone but I definitely smell someone. My face turn serious as I look at my surroundings.

"I can smell you way too clearly, come out"

I said out cold as I heard a giggle,a woman's voice as she walk away through the shadows.

My eyes widen when I see a familiar face that made my blood boil.

"So you've returned"

"And I thought you wouldn't come out through your shadows, Elizabeth"

"Even though I'm immune to the sun, my hate for it never goes away and when it's night there's so many ugly vampires lurking around so I only come out once or twice a month"

"Yeah well you came out on the wrong time"

I immediately disappeared as I appeared Infront of her.

"Cause your seeing Satan"

I throw a punch as she was sent out flying but I knew that she manage to block it.

She giggled as she look at me while there's a little blood on her lips.

"You've grown quite stronger"

"Oh I'm just warming up"

"It's been a long time since I had fun with you again~"

"Well consider this your last fun"

"We'll see y/n darling~"

She use vampire speed as she run away.


I yelled before chasing after her, she was laughing as I kept chasing her.





I got a little irritated as she smirk at me and jump through the trees like a fucking ninja.

"I'll show you who's slow"

I said as I went to different ways. Elizabeth had notice it as she look behind to see I was not there.

*She's gone*

Elizabeth thought then suddenly someone appeared beside her as it tackled her to the ground.

She cough as she look to see y/n smirking at her while she was tackled down.

"Who's the slowpoke now?"

She suddenly smiled as I cock my eyebrow but before I know it, she immediately put her lips through mine.

My eyes widen as I immediately jump away from her as I wipe off my mouth.

"Aww~ what's the matter y/n?"

She said as she lick her lips while smirking at me. She slowly stood up as I glared at her.

"As I thought you really taste sweet~"

"Aren't we supposed to be like relatives?"

"Don't take excuses, we're not blood related"

"Your weird"

"I have been called weird on my year too but then I don't mind because I like being one"

Suddenly, rocks on us start floating as it circled at her. She suddenly said something in Latin that I immediately felt something.

It hurts like hell as I cough off blood and suddenly force to kneel down. She giggled as she slowly approach me.

"What the fuck*cough*did you do?!"

"It's only a spell, I've been called weird because I am a witch and years have passed I've turn into a vampire"

"You think I give a fuck about your life?"

"Oh it's important because your part of it"

"How am I supposed to be part of it? I wasn't in 16 century"

"I know your part of it because"

I cock my eyebrow as she smirk at me.

"Your my lover"

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