chapter 5

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"wow I look so different"

I said while looking at the mirror, can't believe how much I've changed. My hair is silver white but at the tip of my hair is my h/c ones.

My eyes are red like vampire eyes now and I'm more paler than before but luckily my temperature didn't changed so I can still pretend to be a human somehow.

"By the way, who's apartment is this?"

"Mine, auntie"

Rose said as I look at the messy apartment she took, it look so old and her things are everywhere.

"Why did you take some old apartment?"

"Not enough money, auntie and my next bill is tomorrow. I do need to rest earlier since I have some part time job"

"Bill? Didn't you just pay last week?"

"The owner said I need to pay the bills now"

"I mostly beg your pardon?"

I said as rose look at me confused.

"That's not how bills work"

I said as I went out and finds the owner of this god awful apartment. Rose immediately followed behind me as she tried stopping me but failed.

Esther just follow to watch the drama.
Later we found the owner as I immediately approach him.

"Hello there, you must be the owner of the house"

"Yes I am"

"Well, my niece said she just payed last week and now she's paying again? May I ask why?"

He look at me from head to toe as he let out a soft chuckled, my clothes are so dusty and old because I have just lay there for 8 years no bath and stuff.

He thinks I'm just a poor young lady that's why he looks at me like that.

"Well your niece had to repay the debt she burrowed from me"

"Every week? Do you have no brain or something?"

"Excuse me-"

"Atatat I'm not finished talking"

I then look directly through his eyes as he shut up quickly.

"My niece was just in highschool, just having a part time job and your pushing her too far"

"She needs to pay her debt"

"You really want the money that badly? Fine I'll pay all of it"

He then chuckled as he look at me.

"Really? From how you look? I bet you can't even pay some 2 dollars from a kid"

I then laugh as he look at me confused.

"Humans these days"

I then look at rose as I spoke to her.

"Wait for me, I'm just gonna be out for a while"

I said as I look at the owner one more time and gave him an attitude before leaving the apartment.

"That's what I thought"

The owner said as he let out a chuckled and gave rose a judge look. Rose just ignored him as she ask Esther.

"Where could auntie be going at this hour?"

"Let's just wait"

Esther said while smirking while rose just got confused. 10 minutes just passed, rose was about to sleep when she heard a beep from outside.

She look through her window and saw an expensive car outside.

Her eyes widen when she saw her aunt leaving the car and dressed up expensively

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Her eyes widen when she saw her aunt leaving the car and dressed up expensively.

Her eyes widen when she saw her aunt leaving the car and dressed up expensively

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"Oh I'm gonna love this"

Esther said as she immediately start packing her things. Rose got confused as she was about to ask her when she saw her aunt open her apartment.


"Hello little flower, pack your things were gonna leave this god awful place"


I just smiled at rose as I told them that I'll be waiting outside. I then start to walk downstairs and when I open the door outside I saw the owner looking at my car.

I just sigh as I start to approach him, when he saw me, he immediately got confused as he look at me.

I then took some money from my pocket and gave it to him. He was still zoning out as I just smirk at him.

"Here is my niece debt, I'm sure that's all of it"

The man couldn't even speak, suddenly some van went here and stop.

I smiled as the driver immediately greeted me as I just nod at them. Later little flower and Esther came out with their things.

The driver politely took their suit case and put it in the van. I then start to open my car as I told Esther to just ride on the van.

She didn't mind though because the van is expensive too. rose then somehow smiled at me while she immediately went in to the car while I look at the owner one more time and look down on him.

"Next time, don't judge the book by its cover, mortal"

I said before getting in the car and start driving.

"Auntie where should we live now?"

"Hmm, your school had dorms right?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I'm gonna get you a dorm"

"But my dorm is expensive"

"Oh little flower, there's no expensive to me"

I said proudly while rose just gave me a giggle and lean on the front seat getting comfortable.

"But for now let's take a rest on one of my apartment"

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