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We have successfully removed Holly Cassia from her vulnerable position and taken her to Horsham to stay with us. I trust you know the address.

We are afraid that we must inform you that the murderer of Bobby and Judith Cassia attacked Holly by attempted strangulation in her back garden in the morning, which we were able to intercept as we arrived while the attack was ongoing. However, their identity was cloaked with a hood and facemask, and they managed to escape on foot and hide, scaling the fence separating the property from the street. Unfortunately, we were unable to find and follow them, but investigations continue.

Holly has faint bruises on her neck from said attack, and apart from the shock of the incident, she should recover in time. We advise that the house should be watched discreetly for any more potential break-ins. Rest assured we will keep in contact as we progress in the case.

Email sent at 09.33, Monday, by Tyrel Trust - a private investigative agency that traces, identifies and solves felonies issued by The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)

Sent to Joseph Brunsley, head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Received and read: Joseph Brunsley

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