June 2005

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Liana coughed harshly and said, "Dean, you have to take the girls."

Dean shook his head. "No, Ana. You're gonna be just fine."

"You know I won't. Please, promise me you'll take care of them."

He tucked her hair back and smiled sadly. "You know I will."

Margaret ran in and said, "Daddy, Mira's crying." She walked up to her mother as Dean left to get Miriam. "Are you gonna be home soon?"

Liana shook her head. "No, sweetheart, I won't. Soon I'll be with the angels."

The little girl frowned. "You're leaving me and Daddy and Mira?"

"I'm afraid so. But I'll be watching over you, Mira and your father, okay?"

"Like a angel?"

"Exactly like an angel."

Dean entered the room with Miriam and a gasping sob escaped Liana's lips. She kissed the girls on their heads, then kissed her fiancé. Dean dried a tear and said, "I'll keep them as safe as I can, Ana."

She nodded. "I know you will." She looked at her eldest daughter. "Be good for your father and be the best big sister you can be, okay?"

Margaret nodded. "I will, Mommy. Promise you're gonna watch out for me and Mira and Daddy?"

"I promise, darling."

"I love you, Mommy."

"I love you too." She kissed the top of Margaret's head again and let out a breath. "I love you, Dean."

Dean placed a gentle hand to her cheek. "I love you too. I'm gonna miss you."

"Don't miss me too much," she teased, letting out another harsh cough. "I love you girls, and you, Dean, so much."

Liana's eyes closed and the monitor began beeping.

As doctors and nurses rushed in, Margaret asked, "Daddy? Why are they coming in? Is Mommy gonna be okay?"

Dean held her hand as he rocked a fussy Miriam. "They're going to try to save Mommy."

But it was too late. Liana Sharpe had breathed her last. Margaret and Miriam were officially in the care of their father.

As Dean looked between his girls, he vowed to keep them safe; but promised himself he'd never turn into his father when it came to raising them.

A Light to Call HomeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang