Chapter 19 ❀ "Cutie"

Start from the beginning

Just what was she doing talking to some guy when she was supposed to walking home with him? The betrayal was evident but Shoto tried to ignore the steering pain it caused him.

"Yeah, we just click, you and I" the boy chuckled.

His poor excuse for flirting was making Todoroki gag. He felt bad for listening in on someone's conversation. That was so not like him.

But love makes you do crazy things.

"Highlighter...think about this" Chihiro sighed.


Todoroki's stance visually shrunk as his shoulders drooped.

She gave him a nickname to...

He wasn't sure why such a childish thing gave himself sharp pains in the chest. The boy hesitantly poked his head out from behind the corner of the wall to see their figures. And yes, just like her fitting nickname, the boy across from her head neon yellow highlighter hair.

Todoroki subconcuosuky raised a hand to his own head and twirled a string of hair around his fingers. The nickname 'Candycane' and the joy Amami had while saying it was beginning to make him appreciate his hair for the first time of his life.

And now the poor boy was back to step 1. Insecure, bottled up, confused, and angry.

Not a good combination to say the least.

"I have thought about it. I want this. I want you" the boy spoke as he grabbed he hands.

Shoto's nails began to dig into his palms. He could feel himself loosing control again and that feeling would have continued, until he saw Chihiro place a soft hand on his chest, just like she had earlier that day with Shoto.

"That' um" the girl mumbled.

And then that anger turned grey and dull. The heated coals cooled down with the water of a nearby stream. And the smoke, the thick heavy smoke, coated his mind like some sort of protective film.
And finally, everything was gone and he was left with the realization. The sad realization that he had been trying to avoid.

Chihiro never admitted to liking him. Not once. Yes, she hinted at it, but she hinted at being half parakeet last week aswell so why take her words seriously.
As Shoto stared at the two, one of her hands in his while the other on his cheek.
He agreed that they looked good together.
Who was he kidding, he never deserved someone like her anyway. Shame on him for thinking he could get his way for once.

Because Chihiro just saw him as a friend, simple as that.

With hooded eyes, Todorki pushed himself off of the wall. He couldn't be around this anymore; he just wanted to go home and exercise to the point he'd pass out from exhaustion.

What he didn't see was Chihiro breaking the eye contact she shared with the blonde as she began to burst out laughing. The boy quickly followed.
She raised a hand to which he high-fived it.

"Seriously, Highlighter. If you don't get the part they're idiots" she laughed.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me practice with you, Amami. If this audition goes well I'll make sure to mention you on Broadway" he cackled.

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