"Oh my god." Mew covered his mouth with his hands, "It must have been hard for him."

Seokjin nodded, "Yeah. Was shivering badly when I found him."

Yoongi smirked, "He handled it better than you. Remember when you first the dead body?"

Mew pouted, "It was disfigured body." He looked at Seokjin, "Phi... p'Yoon is teasing me."

Seokjin glared at Yoongi, "Yoongi!" His eyes soften when he looked back at Mew, "Quicken the search. We need to find the mayor as soon as possible."

Mew nodded, "Okay."

*When Hoseok was attacked*

Seokjin was sitting on the couch after Namjoon left him with a heavy speech when heard the door open. Mew entered the house and sat beside him, "Is p'Seok okay?"

Seokjin nodded, "He is." Seokjin chewed the inner skin of his cheek.

"This is all my fault." Mew closed his eyes and hid his face in his hands.

Seokjin looked at Mew, "What do you mean?"

Mew gulped audibly, "They found out about Namjoon. Someone saw you taking him to our regular designer and then to other places. They assumed that Namjoon was your boyfriend. They were going to go for Namjoon, but I stopped them. I told them that you don't care about Namjoon and they should choose someone that you actually care for." Mew groaned, "I am so stupid! I am so sorry."

Seokjin patted his thigh, "It is okay. You are allowed to make mistakes. I am here to clean them up." They stayed silent for a while and then Seokjin spoke to break the silence, "Mew, have I really done something for you?"

Mew looked at him with a confused expression, "What? Of course, you have done so many things for me."

Seokjin licked his lips, "I don't think so. Namjoon just made me realise that I don't cherish the people I love."

Mew chuckled, "You don't need to do that. You are busy as it is. We know you love us. You sometimes just forget the boundary between protecting and overprotecting. And when one of us gets hurt, you blame yourself for not saving us. Which again makes you angry."

Seokjin ruffled his hair, "When did you get so smart, huh?"

Mew shrugged, "What can I say, I was born smart."

Seokjin laughed at him and shook his head. He looked at nothing in particular. "I like Namjoon."

"What?" Mew was so shocked that he thought he misheard the sentence, "What did you say?"

"I like Namjoon."

Mew blinked twice, "Like stay by my side forever type of adoration?"

Seokjin nodded. Mew closed his eyes and smiled. Finally! His phi found the love he deserved. And Namjoon liking him back just added the cherry on the top. He chuckled and smiled cheekily, "Finally! I thought you'd spend your entire life sleeping around and then phaw would set you up with someone for business expansion."

Seokjin chuckled and stayed silent. His head fell on the headboard and he closed his eyes, "The guys who hurt Hoseok told me that you sent them."

"I knew they'd use my name." Mew imitated Seokjin and closed his eyes, "People really use our rivalry against us, huh?"

*The next day*

"Are you out of our mind?" Seokjin yelled at Mew.

Mew clicked his tongue, "It is not a big deal."

Seokjin clicked his tongue, "It is for me. I can not hit you for fuck's sake. Just get out of the house."

Mew clenched his jaw and looked at Seokjin with narrow eyes. "Fine. Then I will go to the hospital and tell the doctors to stop your mother's treatment."

Seokjin's eyes went wide, "What did you say?"

Mew smirked internally. The hit was on the perfect nail, "I will make them stop your mother's treatment. I can do that and you know that."

"You will not," Seokjin said in a calm voice.

Mew took out his phone and fake dialled a number, "Hello, good morning Dr Lee. I would like to make a req-"


Mew groaned but smiled at Seokjin, "See it wasn't a big deal."

Seokjin realised what happened and he quickly went to Mew, "Oh god! Did I hit too hard? Wait here, I'll bring the first aid."

"Phi!" Mew stopped him. "This is what I wanted. Now Munsu will really trust my anger. So don't worry about me."

Seokjin still looked worried, "Are you sure you are okay?"

Mew smiled even though it hurt him to move his jaw, "I am fine." He produced something from his pocket and gave it to Seokjin, "These are eye drops. It would make our eyes red and people will think we actually fought. Tul prescribed them, so use them right now. They don't have side effects. I will leave now."

Seokjin took the drops and sighed, "Take care and don't get caught."

Mew nodded with a small smile.

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