Before I can get a word out, Hope is in front of us, holding a onesie to her chest.

"Guys, I think I want another baby." She announces, her eyes glistening.

Oh, hell.


Thankfully, we got to my house in one piece.

The whole ride here, she wouldn't shut up about baby names. Even when she was ordering our Chinese food. Not even cute names. Like, weird names. Names that could get her sent to jail, that's how bad. She'd be accused of child abuse if she named her kid any of those things.

"Hope, Aaliyah is still so young. I don't think it would be a good idea to get pregnant right now." I tell her.

Aaliyah is the sweetest, but having a sibling so earlier is a lot. She still needs so much attention. And it's not even about that. Hope is so busy during this time, and so is her husband. There's too much going on. It wouldn't be a good time.

She rolls her eyes. "You just don't want me to steal your spotlight."

That's coming from the woman who is insisting I have a gender reveal party. The last thing I want is the spotlight. She can have it.

"She's right, Hopey." Ben pipes up. "You're so busy already, and Aaliyah needs all of your attention right now. It wouldn't be fair."

He only has a point because I have a point.

"Oh, shut up. I don't need a man's perspective."

"If you really want another kid, then that's your decision. We're just giving our input." I tell her, placing my hand over hers and squeezing. I don't want her to feel like we're judging her or being jerks.

"Maybe I don't want another kid. Maybe I do. When Baby Boy gets here, I'll do some experimenting to figure out if I really want that right now."

I narrow my eyes at her. What the hell does she mean experimenting with my son? No. Absolutely not. But I won't kill her dreams just yet.

Speaking of my kid—

I gasp, getting up from the couch. "I didn't show you guys the room."

Hope shovels forkful of chow mein into her mouth before clapping her hands together.

"Oh, yay! It looked so cute over the phone."

I lead both of my friends into the not even nearly finished room, earning little gasps at the sight of the paint job.

Dad looked up some images of some cute things he could paint on the wall, and even though he didn't run this by me, it looks so good.

The room is painted this off-white color, a little half sun painted above where I want the crib. The same crib that has yet to be assembled.

"You didn't set up the crib?" Hope says, making way toward the pile of parts sitting on the floor, waiting to be put together.

"I tried and failed." I admit with a frown. "Then, I was going to ask my dad to help me, but I don't know. He's already helped so much. I think I should just do this for myself."

Ben nods. "Yeah. It's more sentimental that way, anyway. Right, Hope?"

"I wish Robin let me set up Allie's crib. That would have made for great memories."

"Who?" Ben raises an unimpressed brow.

I can't help but laugh. Our dislike for Robin has never gone unexpressed. It's not like he's a bad guy, but Ben and I have always been jealous of how easily Robin swept our friend off her feet. We—Ben and I—are very talented in the grudge holding department.

"Shut up, Ben." Hope rolls her eyes at him, dismissively waving her hand at him. "Anyway, we can hang out again soon. Have a little nursery set-up party. Yeah, Cindy?"

That sounds like so much fun. Finishing up my son's room with my best friends. It would be perfect.

"That would be amazing. I'd love that."

Tears prick my eyes, and—

Oh, God.

That's just so sweet.

"Please leave." I croak. "Go home already, you guys. It's happening."

Ben laughs at my sudden state of emotional...ness, moving round Hope to wrap his arms around my shoulders from behind.

"Cindyyyyy. Honey, don't cry."

I chuckle through the fountain of snot that's started its journey down my face.

Groaning, I wipe my nose. "What is wrong with me?!"

Hope comes to hug me too. She presses her thin lips to my hair.

"You're pregnant. Get used to it."

This is the last thing I'd ever want to get used to.

𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐇 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 [slow updates]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora