×-×Chapter. 20×-×

56 4 0

(Haruto's POV)

We had been training hard for a week and it was really paying off.

I had learned how to fly and fully transform, being able to carry up to three of the people around me on my back while in that form.

I let out a heavy breath, staring at the ceiling of my room, my head whirling with the drunken feeling of sleep.

I slowly closed my eyes and let sleep envelope me in its warm embrace. 


The same field stretched before my eyes as I let out a slow, pained breath, feeling much sadder this time than I had last time.

"My darling?" His voice came from behind me, making me turn to look at him.

He was wearing a comfortable pair of sweats and a large hoodie that ever so slightly covered the palms of his hands.

He took a step closer to me and caressed my face, a worried frown adorning the lips that I could now see on his face.

They seemed so familiar...

"Whats wrong love? Are you alright?" I sent him a small smile, leaning into his palm and humming gently at the warmth it provided. "I'm fine ~." The name that had come out of my mouth was suddenly muted. I couldn't understand the word I had just said and it made me greatly confused, but he smiled so sweetly at me that it made me momentarily forget about it.

"You must be careful my love, your deep thoughts will get the better of you one of these days." His warm hand slid from my cheek to my neck, slowly down to my shoulder and then along my arm until he intertwined our fingers together.

He stood out of the crouched position I had just realized he was in and sent me that sweet smile again before tugging me up, leading me towards a canvas that held a half-finished painting of all of my friends, some looking almost faded, as if they weren't really there.

"Now come, we must finish this painting for the chapel, I'm positive Chan would love to hang it up in the  'hall of heroes' section."

I felt a fond smile grow on my cheeks as I nodded, everything fading around me suddenly and being replaced by darkness.

The only thing I could make out for certain, was a spotlight, shining brightly on someone's crumpled body.

In worried I ran over, until I recognized his hair.

Tears filled my eyes as I ran faster, sliding to kneel beside my brother.

I turned him over so he was facing me.

I let out a scream.

(Tw! Depictions of gore ahead!)

There was Shotaro, covered almost head to toe in blood, some leaking out of the corner of his lips as he sent me a weak smile.

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