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(Mark's POV)

I slowly looked up to see Haruto standing there, a stack of files held tightly in his hands.

He had a dark look in his eyes.

"H-Haruto-" I started. "Answer me." He cut through, his voice much deeper and scarier than it had been all day. "What. Are you doing. Here." I swallowed thickly.

"I-I uhm..." He let out a scoff, placing the files on top of some books on the bookshelf, walking over to me and grabbing my wrist, pulling the file I was still holding out of my hand.

His eyes got darker.

"So this is what your here for? To get information on the Outlanders." He turned to look at me finally, hurt buried deeply in the dark fury that burned in his chocolate orbs. "You're from the walls. Now you have your information. What are you going to do with it? Hm? Force us back to be apart of the society that you of Neo City have broken apart?"

He threw my hand back at me, the hurt growing and starting to overpower the anger he was feeling, but he looked away before I could analyze it any further.

"I believe you have out-stayed your welcome, Mark Lee." I tensed. I had never told them my last name. "You..." I whispered. "You have the files....the ones that were stolen from the cities..." He let out a scoff and turned to me with a dark smirk on his face.

"Go ahead, go and tell Taeyong. Tell him that a little rat prince from the Outlands have stolen your precious files." He glared, grabbing my wrist again and dragging me up to the main part of the house, Shotaro and Sungchan already standing in his office with their arms crossed and gazes fixed on me.

"He read our file." I heard Haruto grunt, Shotaro coming up to him and softly caressing his hair. I heard him speak in a different language to the angered boy and my wrist was released.

I pulled it quickly to my chest, staring in shock that I had been let go.

Haruto walked up to Sungchan and hugged him, hiding his face in the older boys chest while Shotaro stalked up to me this time.

"It's time for you and the others of Dreamtopia to leave. You are no longer welcome in our home. I will watch and make sure you get to the walls safely." He then turned his back to me, gently pulling Haruto away from Sungchan and leading him out.

Sungchan stared at me and then scoffed, walking behind me and pushing me forward slightly. "Get going. You need to round up the rest of your spies."

I started to walk, my head down.


When we reached the living room my group was surrounded by furious looking Outlanders.

Grace looked at me confused before seeing the look on my face, not needing to be told that I was caught looking for the files.

Jisung and Chenle were crouched into defensive positions, daring them to try and come at us.

Shotaro came in, Haruto behind him, both of the brothers faces stone-cold and emotionless as they looked at us.

"We let you into our home, Shotaro knowing good and damn well who you all are. And yet, you go through our stuff." Haruto said, glaring at me. "Not very...princely of you. Is it." I looked down at my feet again, starting to feel even worse for what I had done.

I had hidden the book away in my shirt and hoodie, it not being able to be seen from the outside. I was debating pulling it out and giving it to Sungchan, but I knew that there had to be a clue as to how to bring everyone back together.

"You've overstayed your welcome. So it would be best that you leave. Right this instant." He finalized. Grace gasped. "Wait! But it's dark out! You said the monsters out there are stronger at night!" She panicked.

Shotaro nodded at her. "We know. That is why we will make sure you get to your precious walls safely." He said, his voice still void of emotion. "We are not cruel." There was so much venom when he said that.

She nodded slowly, starting to wring her hands out as they lead us to the door.


We had gotten our horses and were now at the bridge, looking out at the large open field between us and the walls of Neo City, the neon green lights shining above them and reflecting off of the clouds.

"I..." I started, looking at the group who was standing shoulder to shoulder to keep us from going back into the village. "I'm really...really sorry." I finished, looking at the reigns held tightly in my fist, so tight my knuckles were a soft white.

Haruto scoffed and crossed his arms, his sword ready to use at a moments notice. "If you really meant it, you wouldn't have done it in the first place." I looked back forward and softly flicked the reigns, hearing the sounds of the horses shoes hitting against the wood.

As we got out into the field, I looked back.

They were all still standing there, but Haruto wasn't standing as straight as he hand been, and most of them weren't looking at us, but Mina was, and she had a fire in her eyes that spoke volumes.

Grace came up beside me, making me look at her.

"You fucked up Mark." I nodded. "I know..." She let out a sigh, softly rubbing my shoulder. "Are you going to tell Taeyong that they have the files?" I shrugged. "I...really don't know yet noona..." She nodded, letting out another sigh before looking straight ahead again.

I might have just ruined our chances of everyone coming together again...

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