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(Haruto's POV)

I stood at the edge of the woods, Jonghyun's white cloak gripped in my hand as I watched my friends, my family, through the windows of the Osaki mansion.

They were all had worried looks in their eyes, faces grim as they wandered around, doing their own things and waiting for me to arrive at some point.

I turned my gaze to Mina, who had been with me through my whole transformation.

I swallowed thickly, scared of what my family would think of me now.

She gave me a reassuring smile, taking my free hand and giving it a squeeze. "It's okay, your still our Haru, they won't love you any differently." She let out a small chuckle. "Especially not Shotaro." I nodded stiffly, pulling my hand away reluctantly from her comfort.

I opened up the cloak and shook it out once before wrapping it around my shoulders and adjusting it to fully cover the wings on my back, which I still didn't know how to use.

I pulled up the hood, my horns a lot smaller than Jonghyun's, so it fit over easily.

I took in a deep breath and grabbed Mina's hand again. "Let's go."


I slowly opened the door and took off my shoes, letting Mina do the same before walking the short hallway to the living room, Sungchan and Chaehee sitting on the couch together and talking.

My anxiety started getting the better of me, but before I could back out and run away, Mina cleared her throat, making both parties look up at us.

Chaehee let out a scream and ran up to us, trying to see my face under the hood, but I subtly avoided her.

"Everyone! They're back!" Sungchan yelled, the sound of thundering feet following quickly after the announcement.

Shotaro was the first to come into view, his hair askew and glasses perched on his nose.

He quickly ran up to me and hugged me as tightly as he could, hiding his face in the hood of Jonghyun's cloak, his chest rising and falling quickly with the effort of running all the way from the other end of the house.

Everyone else soon filtered in, along with the new girl I had seen before I had left. I think her name was Lin?

Shotaro backed up and looked around me confused. "Why are you wearing this Haru?" He asked me. I swallowed thickly. "I...I think everyone needs to sit down so that I can explain." I whispered to him.


I looked around at everyone, my throat dry as Mina stood by my side.

"Everyone, do you know about..about dragon borns?" I asked shakily.

I watched nods go around, confused looks on their faces.

"Our parents used to tell us the story of Prince Osaki's encounter with a witch, and we were taught about the dragon born in school." Mark said, Jaemin scoffing softly beside him. "Everyone thought it was Taeyong, but I think they're wrong."

I swallowed hard. "You are right in the assumption that they were wrong."

The confusion became more evident.

"Who is it then? Do you know?" Chenle spoke, his voice soft. I started to fidget with my hands, seeing the pretty blue scales that had made themselves apparent on my body. "Yes, I do. But first," I looked up at them. "That person, that visited my mother, he wasn't a witch." I said softly.

Shotaro stood, his eyes holding recognition. "The man who saved you? He wasn't a witch?" He asked me.

I nodded, smiling weakly. "He was a dragon born." I whispered, reaching up, hearing Shotaro gasp softly at the sight of my hands. "And he was looking for a successor."

I pulled the hood down, watching everyone's eyes widen as I kinda just stood there, messing with the clasp of the cloak. "I've been with Jonghyun these past few months, him teaching me everything he can in the time that he could."

I could feel the tears build up slightly. "The only thing he didn't have time to teach me, was how to fly." I let the cloak fall off my shoulders and folded it over my arm, stretching the wings on my back out a little bit.

Shotaro slowly approached me, running his fingertips against my horns and then my wings, his eyes wide and full of wonder.

"So this is what mom was talking about...that's why you were so strong as a kid!" He sounded almost excited about the fact, looking into my eyes and smiling widely, his cheeks squishing up to hide his eyes.

The others soon got up and started feeling and poking around me, except for the dreamies.

I looked at Mark and let out a heavy sigh.

I walked over towards their group and stood infront of them, taking a deep breath. "Taeyong is planning an attack, and it's gonna come any day now, we need to prepare." I stared at the male. "Are you with us, or against us?"

He let out a chuckle, holding out his hand. "I wouldn't be here if we were against you." I took his hand, a small smile breaking across my face. "Besides, there's a few people who I think will change sides because of certain factors. Taeyong only has so much power over everyone based on fear. I think we can beat him if we train hard." He explained, really sounding like a leader.

I smiled and nodded, squeezing his hand slightly and turning back to everyone. "Then lets begin. We need to be ready."

I went over to Shotaro, taking a deep breath.

"Let's get the equipment for today, then we can rest and begin tomorrow, does that sound good?" Sungchan came up beside my brother and smiled. "Sounds perfect little man." He pulled me into a hug, Shotaro joining. "We missed you so much Haruto."

I smiled softly. "I missed you guys so much more." I nuzzled slightly into my brother, relaxing into the warm embrace before we needed to set everything up.


I looked around to all the others that were breathing heavily around me, leaning on the stacks of equipment from our basement.

I chuckled and looked out at the field we were in, adjusting the cloak on my shoulders and seeing a perfect line of trees for target practice.

I grabbed a small can of red paint, starting to draw the targets on the trunks, humming gently as I went, dancing a bit to the music playing inside of my head.

I still need to learn how to fly, and how to fully transform if it's possible. The others can hone their skills while I try doing that...I thought, moving onto the next tree. Maybe I can practice carrying them once I get the hang of it...it would be beneficial.

I looked up to realize I had finished painting and smiled a little, looking at the others.

"Well!" I yelled, smiling at them. "Let's get started!"

Neo City: Underground Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon