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(Haruto's POV)

The birds chirping and the light shining through my curtains woke me up the next morning.

I knew that Mina and Sulli and Chaehee would dress me the exact way that they had the night before, but I couldn't bring myself to mind it, I felt really good in the outfit they had put me in, I just wished there were less straps.

I shuffled over to the bathroom, turning the shower on and taking a quick one before coming out and seeing the clothes already set on my bed with a small note folded ontop.

I stepped closer, drying my hair as I opened the note with one hand.

Prince Haruto,
This is your outfit for today.
Miss Chaehee and Miss Sulli insisted that I tell you that you must wear it and go to Miss Mina's room when your done so that she can prepare your hair.
I hope you have a good day today, breakfast is waiting for you in the dining hall.

I smiled softly, tucking the note into one of my drawers, it being filled with all the little notes I had gotten over the years, even if they were just Shotaro telling me he was gonna be out for a while.

I slipped the outfit on, looking in the mirror for a moment before nodding and walking out to Mina's room, seeing her already standing at a chair with a blow-dryer in her hand.

I chuckled and sat obediently infront of her.

"Buckle up buttercup! Imma bout to make you look beautimus!"


Finally we were done and my hair looked nice and stylish.

I smiled softly and thanked Mina before walking over to Chaehee's room, going to her vanity and pulling out a soft red lip gloss, placing some on and smiling and the little bit of shine it added to me.

I rubbed my eyes and let out a long breath before making my way downstairs and sitting beside Shotaro, who was in a similar outfit to me.

Looking closer, I realized everyone was matching. That made me smile as I ate slowly.

(Jaemin's POV)

"So..." Jeno mumbled. "You're telling me, we're gonna dress up like the Outlanders, sneak into their city, and get information on who could have gotten those files?"

I watched as Mark nodded, a nice smile on his face as Grace and Renjun stood at his sides, clothes piled high in their arms, showing that we got to chose what we wore.

I hummed softly, shrugging and stepping forward, taking the clothes from Grace and settling them on the table, picking through to find a outfit that I deemed fit.

I froze for a second, turning to look at Mark. "Will I have to cover up my Tattoos hyung?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nope! From what I know, most Outlanders have a bunch of tattoos! So if anything, you'll be able to fit in better than us!" His face went serious. "But, and this is for everyone, make absolutely sure that no one sees your spades. If they see that they'll know we're spies and we could get into a lot of trouble."

We all collectively nodded and I quickly pulled out a sweater and some sweats, knowing that it was getting colder.


After we had gotten dressed we went out to the stables, getting our horses and making sure they didn't look extravagant or anything and mounted them, riding out and towards the Outlands, Mark explaining to the guards at the bridge what we were doing.

(Haruto's POV)

I stuck close to Shotaro as we wandered around the city, greeting everyone and bowing politely.

As we got closer to the entrance I saw Mrs.Kim with her usual platter of freshly baked Blueberry biscuits.

I bounded up happily, taking one and placing a gold coin in her apron before she could reject it. She huffed at me, balancing the tray on one hand and placing her fist on the other hip. "Prince Haruto how many times do I- who's that?" She cut off, looking past me.

I turned and saw a group of horses coming towards the city, worry clouding my mind that it might be someone from the walls that found out who had taken their files.

Me and Shotaro stepped towards the small wooden bridge that separated us from the land they treaded on. Sungchan and Chaehee soon standing beside us as they got closer.

They stopped on the other side of the bridge and I noticed they were in more casual clothes, not the clothes that the people in the walls would even dare wear.

But I also noticed their horses were a lot nicer than anyone who lived out here's. I glanced at Shotaro, leaning towards his ear as the male at the front hopped off, helping the girl beside him get off as well. "Where do you think their from?" I whispered. He shrugged. "Not sure Haru, let's welcome them, they don't seem to want to cause any harm to us or the people." I nodded, standing up straighter and staring at the male approaching us.

He gave a small smile, the girl beside him softly pushing his shoulder as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, hi, we're from a town not too far from here and we were just passing by and saw your city! Would it be too much to ask to enter and replenish our horses and get a bite to eat?" He asked sheepishly.

I looked to Shotaro and Sungchan, rolling my eyes and stepping forward, smiling softly at the male, holding my hand out. "Hello there... stranger. My name is Haruto." He took my hand, shaking it firmly. "Mark." I smiled a little, turning to my brother and friends and gesturing them over. "Well c'mon, introduce yourselves."

And so they did.

Eventually they let them in, us all walking and talking a little. I learned the other six people's names were Renjun, Chenle, Jisung, Jeno, and Jaemin.

Jaemin was pretty quiet, almost shy as we walked, and every now and again I would throw him a comforting smile, hoping that he would become a bit more comfortable around us.


"And heres one of our barns, you can keep your horses here until your ready to take off again." Sungchan said, gesturing to the large building infront of us.

I leaned up against the side of the barn when suddenly the siren went off, making me tense up and go attack mode.

Shotaro ran over to me and I nodded, us both taking off towards the front of the city.

(Jaemin's POV)

I watched in confusion as the brothers took off towards what I'm assuming is the front of the town.

I turned to Sungchan. "What's that siren for?" I asked him, the confusion showing on my face. His face was stoney as he looked at me. "Monster attack. We get them often here in our corner." I nodded in understanding, remembering the few times I would see the guards run out of the palace to go and fight something.

Mark let out a heavy exhale. "That's crazy...we don't get things like that in our town, maybe we're too far away?" He mumbled to himself. I saw Sungchan shrug. "Perhaps."

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