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(Haruto's POV)

We ran all the way across the divide, avoiding soldiers and standing on the same bridge I had been cornered at all those nights ago, a sense of deja Vu coming over me as the same scenario played out.

"Halt!" A guard bellowed. They pointed their weapons at us. "Come quietly and no one will be harmed!" He declared.

I knew that was a lie.

I jumped up on the banister again, helping Mina up quickly with me, seeing the Dreamies and the City boys running towards us. I smirked widely at Taeyong, seeing his face go red with anger.

"DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY AGAIN!" he screamed, running as fast as his legs would carry him.

I looked at Mina.

"Are you okay with a small swim?" She smirked at me. "But of course, prince Haruto." She gave me a mock bow and I laughed, looking over and meeting eyes with Jaemin before jumping down into the water below, hearing Taeyong scream in anger.


We had reached the grate and carefully climbed through.

There was an immense pain in my shoulder but I ignored it in favor of making sure that Mina got home.

I looked out over the partially burned city and frowned, turning my gaze cold as we started to approach.

As soon as we got past the bridge everyone was swarming us, asking us if we were okay. I put on a large, fake smile and nodded. "We're fine everyone! I think we really just want to go home."

They immediately dispersed and I lead Mina towards the house, my smile dropping to my cold look once again. I was tired.


When we finally reached the house I pulled my shoes off, slipping my house shoes on and staring at the mat infront of the door, not having the energy to say I was home.

Mina rested her hand on my shoulder. "Haruto? Are you okay?" I nodded wordlessly. She softly squeezed my shoulder and lead us into the living room where Sungchan, Chaehee, Sungmin, Sulli, and some random girl was.

(Face claim)

I stared at the girl for a moment before looking at Sungchan, who had a black eye and who's jaw was on the floor

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I stared at the girl for a moment before looking at Sungchan, who had a black eye and who's jaw was on the floor.

I gently pushed Mina towards them, walking past and up to my room, locking the door and laying on my bed, which smelled of soot and fire.

(Mina's POV)

I stared after Haruto, frowning in worry as Chaehee did the same.

"Is...he okay?" Sungchan whispered softly. I shook my head. "No...no he's not." He nodded slowly in understanding. "He blames himself for all of this. He thinks, that since he was the one who grabbed the files, it's all his doing that everything happened..." Chaehee mumbled, lightly wrapping her arm around Sungchan's.

I nodded weakly, a door opening making me turn to see Shotaro.

He looked like a mess, hair a rats nest and large, dark bags under his eyes, his clothes disheveled and everything about him being askew. It really showed how much his brother meant to him.

He looked up and finally noticed me, immediately looking for Haruto as well, pain and panic overtaking his features when he couldn't find the young boy. I shook my head at him. "Shotaro, it's okay." His shoulders relaxed slightly at that. "He's up in his room, he's not doing too well..." He nodded in understanding, coming over and giving me a quick hug before taking off upstairs.

I turned to the new girl, squinting at her. "Who are you?" She gave a slight smile. "Lin, Lin Kari." I nodded, holding out my hand. "Lee Mina. That was Haruto who came in with me, he's Shotaro's little brother. I'm sorry you have to meet him when he's under....so much stress." I mumbled. She just gave an understanding smile.

(Shotaro's POV)

I gently knocked on Haruto's door, waiting patiently for a response.

"Go away Mina...I wanna be alone..." I heard him mumble. I smiled weakly. "It's...not Mina bub..." The sound of shifting filled my ears and then the soft click of a lock.

The door slowly opened to show a red, puffy eyed Haruto.

As soon as he saw me he tackled me in a hug, sobbing loudly into my chest as I gently backed him back up into his room, locking the door behind me and leading him to the bed, sitting down and pulling him into my lap like I had when we were younger.

"It's okay....it's okay now Haru..." He shook his head so harshly against me. "No! No it's not Sho!" He sobbed out. "This is all my fault! Everything that is going to happen is my fault! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have taken the files! I shouldn't have! I should have just been content with being here with you and Sungchan and the gang!" I pulled him closer to me, pressing him to my chest and running my fingers through his hair and rubbing his back like mother used to do for me.

"None of this is your fault Haru, what happens is gonna happen, there isn't any stopping it. It will all be okay, I promise bubba." He started to babble about a prophecy and everyone dying and it all being his fault so I silenced him by placing my finger on his lips.

I kissed his temple gently. "Shhhh....no one's gonna die, none of this is your fault. Nothing is set in stone Haru, you know this. I promise to you, it's gonna be alright no matter what." I heard him sniffle. He turned his head up to me and held out his pinky innocently. "P...pinky promise?"

I gave him a warm smile, gently hooking our pinkies and pressing our thumbs together. "Pinky promise, if I break that promise, you can break my pinky or something."

He let out his first little giggle, bringing a smile to my face as I laid us down, softly stroking his hair as his eyes slowly became lidded.

"You're sleepy Haru, you should rest. Oni-san isn't going anywhere, I'll be right here when you wake, okay?" I told him softly.

He nodded, sniffling again before curling up close to my chest, making sure his ear was above my heartbeat. "Can you rub my back?" He whispered.

I smiled a bit more, nodding and resting my head ontop of his. "Of course I can Haru." He hummed happily, letting his eyes fully close and letting sleep fully consume him as I watched over him, his chest rising and falling rhythmically.

I smiled weakly, pulling him closer and curling up around him. I love you so much Haruto, I'm not gonna let a thing happen to you, even if it means i have to die...I thought, kissing his hairline softly and reaching behind him to turn off his lamp, closing my eyes and letting myself succumb to a deep and dreamless sleep.

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