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(Unknown's POV)

I shook the water out of my boots and let out a small sigh, shivering slightly from the cool night breeze against my now soaked body.

I hummed a quiet tune to myself as I shuffled over to the giant grate that would take me back home to the Outlands.

I stepped through, seeing the city lit up in warm orange light, families and friends all sitting around together, eating and talking, just as it should be everywhere. I let out a soft sigh, pulling my mask down.

As I got closer to the city people started to wave and bow politely to me. "Welcome back Prince Haruto! Was your journey exciting?" A sweet elder lady asked me, holding out a plate of freshly baked blueberry biscuits out to me.

I smiled greatfully, taking one and taking a bite, swallowing the delicious treat before answering. "Well, I suppose you could say it was exciting. And haven't I told you? You don't have to call me price, just Haruto is fine." She smiled before scanning me. "My goodness! You're soaked to the bone! Why?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Uh...I may have had to jump into the river to get away from some trouble." The woman glared slightly at me, gently smacking my shoulder. "You must be more careful! You could catch a cold as Autumn is approaching!"

I smiled softly at her concern. "I'll keep it in mind Mrs.Kim, I must get home now however, so I can change out of these wet clothes." The smile was back on her face in a matter of seconds. "Of course Prince! You go right on ahead! Make sure to take a nice warm bath too, to relax those working muscles!" I chuckled softly. "Yes ma'am, I'll see you tomorrow."

I waved at everyone I passed on my way home.


As I finally stepped through the threshold to our home, I pulled my boots off, setting them outside to dry before leaning into the doorway while putting on my slippers, calling out loudly.

"I'm home!"

I walked down the hall and to the living room, seeing everyone sitting on couches and looking at me, some movie playing in the background.

I saw the look on Shotaro's face and immediately knew I was in trouble.

He jumped up from his spot and stormed over to me, smacking me harshly on the head. "And where were you?! You left me to worry about you all day! No message?! No note to tell me you were going out?! What the hell Haruto! You could have died and I would have never found you!" He yelled, the worry and pain in his eyes telling me he wasn't actually mad at me.

I hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry Oni-san, I didn't mean to worry you, I thought I was going to be back a bit quicker, I know now not to assume things, I'll start leaving a note, even if I think I'll be fast." I said softly in our fathers mother-tongue, feeling him relax slightly and wrap his arms tightly around me.

"I was so worried about you Haru....I can't lose you too..." I nodded gently against his shoulder, hugging him a bit tighter before pulling away and giving him a big smile. "Don't worry too much about me hyung! I'm a big boy!" He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Mhm, mhm."

I jumped slightly, looking at the wet on his shirt and smiling sheepishly. "Uh, my apologies for that, but! I got something that will definitely make up for it and for worrying you so much!" I reached into my satchel, pulling out the bag and making sure the files hadn't gotten wet in my bamboleo-esque escapade.

I held them out to him, bowing deeply at my hips and presenting them to him. "Please accept these as an apology!"

I felt the bag leave my hand before a gasp filled my ears and I was pulled into a bone-crushing hug. "Haruto! You got the files! I cant- how did you do it?! I can't believe this! This is amazing!" Shotaro cheered, the others scurrying over to see if what he had just said was true.

Cheers and happy squeals filled the room as Sulli, Mina, Sungmin and Chaehee pulled me into a group hug, bouncing us happily as I laughed.

"Okay! Okay! I get it! I'm awesome, you love me, blah, blah, blah! But let go! I needa take a bath!" I yelled out, feeling the hug loosen, taking that chance to duck and run away upstairs.

There in the hallway was Mary, carefully dusting the small tables we had set up for decoration.

"Hey Mary, please don't overwork yourself okay?" I said as I passed. "Of course I won't sire. Where are you going?" She asked, raising one of her thin brows. I smiled. "I'm going to take a bath, I smell like fish cause I had to jump into the river." She nodded in understanding. "Would you like me to draw it for you?"

I shook my head. "No, it's okay Mary, you just continue dusting, I'm perfectly fine drawing my own." I rounded the corner but stopped, peaking back around. "Don't forget Mary, we're not kids anymore, we're all big boys and girls, you don't have to do everything for us anymore, honestly, you could retire if you really wanted to!" She gave me a sweet smile, the same one she would give me as a child.

"Oh sire, I love working for you all, it makes my life interesting and worth living, I couldn't even think of retiring until these old bones can't lift a duster!" She rose the duster in her hand for some emphasis. I smiled softly back and nodded. "Whatever makes you happy Mary, I will respect. I'm gonna go take my bath now, I'll see you later!" I waved to her.


I slowly slipped into the warm water, letting out a content sigh as I relaxed, staring at the ceiling and remembering the males I had run into.

I remembered them.

I remembered them from when I was a child, when we used to all play together and shove mud onto the nice clothes our parents had gotten us made.

I remembered how we would climb trees and scrape our knees and how we had promised each other that we would get married when we got older.

I slipped further into my water, until it was up to my chin and scanned the tattoos covering my body, the heart tattoo placed on my hip glaring at me and telling me where I came from, how I got to be here.

I frowned heavily.

Could we ever be friends again...?

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