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(Haruto's POV)

I stared at the shackles that had been placed so tightly on my wrists, the chains clinking as we walked.

"You'll be staying here in Dreamtopia, under the watch of the Dreamies. I do hope you don't mind." Taeyong smirked, as if he knew what had transpired in the Outlands before he arrived.

I couldn't fight off my glare as I clenched my fists, trying my best not to just snap the chains and book it. But I restrained myself.

I looked past the man to the Dreamtopia rulers who all stood in a line, waiting for us to get closer.

Mark and Renjun stepped forward, meeting us in the middle, Mark staring Taeyong down. "You brought the prisoners here." He deducted. Taeyong nodded and reached for me, pulling me over by the collar of my shirt and picking me up slightly off the ground. "He's a bit bratty, but I'm sure you'll be able to find something to do with him."

I was dropped and shoved into Mark's arms, quickly pulling myself out and standing off to the side, not meeting either males eyes.

Mark let out a grunt. "I'm sure. Now leave, you're stinking up the place with your guards." He grumbled. Taeyong let out a scoff and turned, motioning his men to fall back, them all leaving Dreamtopia.

Mark turned to me and Mina.

"I'm really sorry about him..." He mumbled gently, going to Mina and putting a key into her shackles, them hitting the floor. He then came up to me, gently caressing my wrists and staring at the red, slightly bleeding raw marks that had been left behind because of all of Taeyong's pushing and pulling on me. "I'm...really really sorry..." He whispered again, putting the key into mine aswell and letting my own confines hit the ground before stepping back and clearing his throat.

"Now that you no longer have those annoying cuffs on, I'm gonna lead you to the infirmary so that they can check you out for any injuries that may have been acquired in your...handling." He explained, starting to walk with the rest of the 'Dreamies' following behind him.

I looked over at Mina, Grace, Haeun, and Jaehee. I let out a low and slow breath, slowly following after the group of boys, my eyes set on the one with a butterfly tattoo on the back of his neck.

Mark looked back for a second, a small smile growing on his lips when he saw us following him. I sent him a hard glare, reminding him that I am still infact mad, but my head still hurt from the struggle. His smile dropped and he lowered his head like a kicked puppy as he continued to lead us.


We had reached a large white room, blue curtains blocking off a section of each 'room'.

I hummed. Nicer than in the lands. I glared at myself, looking at my feet. Don't get comfortable Haruto. You don't know what they're planning. This could all be a trap. You have to focus on getting atleast Mina out of here. I thought, looking forward again, my stare blank.

A man in a white coat came out and smiled at Mark. "Ah! Your highness! What can I do for you today?"

He looked over at Haechan. "Haechan didn't break his elbow again, did he?" He asked worried. Mark let out a small chuckle as Haechan's cheeks went a soft shade of pink. "No no Minho, I actually wanted you to look at our new guests." He looked at us again before letting out a soft sigh. "Taeyong hyung was rather....rough with him."

The man, Minho, nodded in understanding and walked over towards us, smiling softly before gesturing behind him. "How about we head to one of the beds and I check you guys out, yeah?" I nodded coldly, not wanting to say too much to this man.

He lead us to the bed, me and Mina sitting on the same one, him not really saying anything about it and looking at Mina.

"Alright, may I ask your names?" I rolled my eyes slightly. "Mina. Lee Mina." Mina mumbled. He turned expectantly to me. "Haruto." He rose a brow. "Surname?" I glared slightly at him.

Mina rested her hand on mine. "It's okay Haru, you can tell him." I stared at her for a bit before nodding slowly. "Osaki."

I watched as Minho's eyes widened, staring at me. "Did...you say Osaki?" I nodded slowly, keeping the confusion I was feeling out of my eyes. "Yes? Is that a problem?" He seemed to shake out of his stupor at that, his gaze shifting to Mark over our shoulders. "Why didn't you tell me? You know the prophecy your highness!" I couldn't keep the confusion away now.

I turned my gaze to Mark, making it cold again. "Prophecy?" I asked. He let out a small sigh. "I'll take you to the chapel later, for now, get better. Your health is more important." I sent a slight glare to him before turning back to Minho who seemed happy with Mark's answer.


I stared at Mark as we sat there.

Minho had left a while ago and we were just sitting around in silence.

"Prophecy. I want to know it. Take us to the chapel Lee." I grunted out coldly. He let out a small sigh, nodding. "Alright, alright." He ran his hand through his hair. "We have to go to the divide to get to the Chapel. Meaning we have to avoid any of the SuperM soldiers-" Renjun cut him off, his eyes serious. "If we run into any of them, we will all be in big trouble with the counsel. Doesn't matter how many of us are in it." Mark nodded slowly, placing his hands on his knees and standing.

"Let's go then."

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