Chap 18 A dream, A dragon and A family

Start from the beginning

Your daughter, Lucy 

I placed it in an envelope and stacked it with the others. I went to check the novel I used to write and checked where I stopped. Wow, I'm a good writer! Just kidding. I would like to explain what my story is about, but it's private! I promised Levy that she's the firest on to re-

I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to read it anymore. She probably hated me for leaving without saying goodbye and for "hurting" Lisanna. She might hate me for hurting Natsu, but she shouldnt care about him, she likes Gajeel! As much as I want to finish it, I don't remember what comes next! and no one other than me is gonna read it so whats the point. I his everything again after hearing a knock on the door. I opened and saw Rosette in the door, I was about to ask whats her problem till she grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs. I was shocked! There was soooooo many dragons in our doorstep other than the ones that were already here! I wonder why these monsters came with Ro, what I remember is dragons hates humans unless there talking about food. Different varieties of dragons were there. Suddenly they glowed and turned human. Before I asked, Ro explained that her dimension has an affect to the dragons physical qualities, pretty convinient because I do not want to be taught by an ugly dragon who looks like he want's to eat me! Soon, we started to train. The dragons werent bad. They taught me secret attacks that they don't teach anyone else. The dragons focused on training me because my friends said they only care about making me strong. Awww! so sweet of them! <3! But three dragons caught my eye. IGNEEL, METALICANNA AND GRANDEENEY! IN HUMAN FORM

I quickly approached one of them

"Are you Igneel?" I asked

"Yes, how do you know my name? Are you Lucy Heartfilia?" Igneel asked

"Yes! Do you know a man by the name Natsu Dragneel?" I quickly asked. He looked shock

"You know Natsu?" He replied

"Yes! We used to be in the same guild! He used to be my bestfriend!" I answered

"Used to? how is he doing?" He question

"I guess he's fine! He's been looking for you in years!" I answered

"I'm happy to hear that he's alright! but what do you mean used to be friends? Did he hurt you" Igneel asked. Emotionally YES!

"No, just some personal problems!" I aswered gleefully

"Why don't you continue to tell me about him while I train you?" He offered

"But, I'm sorry im supposed to be traning with other dragons right now" I answere

"I'm sure they won't mind a few minuted delay" He said while taking my hand as we flew to another island to start training. This guy is a good mentor, no wonder Natsu's so strong. He fierce but gentle. It was kinda hard to master Fire dragon slaying magic, but since I already mastered Fire God magic, It wasnt that hard. I also explained him about things he did ever since he left, all until the part where he betrays me. I doesnt seemed angry at him, just upset. I finally finished mastering fire, so he went back to the dragon realm and gave me a spirit key. A dragon key, for summoning him! Rare key GET! I approached Metalicanna and trained with him too while telling him some things about Gajeel, like him a double agent of Fairy Tail. I trained with other dragons before approaching Grandeeney. I told her about Wendy and how muched she improved, how Mystogan saved her when she disappeared and about Cait Shelter up until I left FT. She was crying about how her little girl grew up as a powerful mage. I was happy for her. All the dragons I met gave me a dragon key so that I can summon them only if needed. Some dragons just stayed with us but most of tham left because they might be too tempted to eat us! So creepy! I wasnt be able to master some slaying magic but it was fine since I dont want to forget about the othen non-dragon spells I learned. Thanks to them I feel like i catch some of the motion sickness thing they have, I DONT WANNA END UP LIKE NATSU! I went back home to rest. I entered my room and found the four reading my letters and novels! I was shocked and angry! As soon as they noticed me, they f/roze in fear

"L-L-Lucy-sama! B-Back alread-dy?" Shion nerviously asked

"We're totally not reading your letters for your mom and novels!" Mato explained

"S-So, how was training?" Rosette asked

"Your mom is dead?" Celine asked

They looked at Celine sadly then checked on me. Her blunt question made me miss my mom even more. I ran back outside and sat beside a tree. Mato followed me and went beside me

"Sorry Lucy, Celine didn't know!" Mato apologized

"Don't be, It's fine! I'm alright" I replied

"Why did you ran away then?" He asked

"I don't know! Maybe because I didn't know how to respond! I missmy mom!" I answered

"We all miss our parents. Rosette's mom died and never met her father. Our parents died in an accident, Celine's parents abandoned her and Yours died as well! We all miss our parents" He said

"Atleast you have the courage to write them a letter. If I try to do that, I'll end up crying and throw the paper away" He added

"I guess. Isn't it a coincedence that we all dont have parents? Its like we were destined to be together to forget our problems as a family!" I said

"Yeah, I guess! That would make Rosette, Shion and Celine (becuz theyre childish) the children, me the father and you the mother!" He teased, I think I saw him blush a second ago! Shoot i think im blushing now!

"hahaha! I guess it would"  Mato stood up and offered his hand. As a lady, I held his hand and he helped me stand

"THEY LIIIIIIIIIIKE EACH OTHER!" Since when did these three get here! Reminds me of an exceed at home

I chased them back to the house and Mato folliwing me back. I yelled at them all night about not touching my things, they kept bowing and saying sorry. I couldnt not forgive them, so I did! I finally told them to go to sleep and they did. I took some paper and started to write a new novel, A Family of Five! I'll be basing it on our adventures bafore and now! I can't wait to get started.


Sorry if this is also a whacked and crazy chapter! It ws supposed to a development between characters but I suddenly added her meeting with the dragons. I can't change it now since im soooooo lazy and ill have to do it allot

Also, The first part is just Lucy's dream forshadowing the upcoming events. She eventually forgets about it when she wakes up!

Again, sorry for the cruddy chappie!

Suggestions, Comments and Ideas are totally appreciated!

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