Severus continues with the lecture and the activity they do, but I pay no attention, only caring if someone makes a sound that isn't wanted.

Unfortunately, since they see my knife and the threatening look on my face, they stay perfectly behaved. Another thing is since they're first years, they're so pathetically afraid of me for no reason so they always stay so quiet.

When done with the carving, I look down at it proudly before going to take out my wand so I can erase it, only to realize I forgot my wand in my room. "I'm going to get my wand." I interrupt Severus, getting up and walking out of the class, not even caring if he needs me to do something. I take a few turns and walk for a little until I'm at the door to my dorm. I reach for the handle before hesitating. I unlock it before kicking the door open, waiting for something to happen, knowing Bellatrix had set something up.
Upon realizing that nothing is going to happen, I walk in cautiously. I relax a bit when nothing happens and begin walking to my room. I hesitate before opening my door and jumping back, just missing the rush of water that sprays out of nowhere.

I smirk and walk into my room. "Good try, but not good enough." I mumble, going to the side of my door and grabbing my wand. I begin to walk out my door and wave my wand, opening the door to leave the room, smirking when a bunch of slime pours down the doorway. I wait for it to be done before waving my wand and cleaning up the mess, walking out of my dorm and locking the door, strolling back to the classroom, walking in and sitting back at the desk, spotting Bellatrix looking at me intensely, trying to check if I got covered in one of the two things she set up. I smirk at her, raising an eyebrow, and she rolls her eyes, resting her head on her hand in disappointment. I look down at the carving and wave my wand, erasing the carving before taking out my knife and starting a new one, causing Severus to roll his eyes.

"Get to work." He says before walking over to me, leaning down and whispering. "Why do you always have to mess up my desk?"
"To be fair, I erase them afterwards.""
"Not always."
"Then you can do it for me."
"You'd kill me if I erased one of your drawings."
"Not true. I actually like you so I could get past the fact that you destroyed something of mine."
He rolls his eyes once more. "Sure. Why does Bellatrix look so pissed?"
"Hm? Oh because she set up some traps for me but I managed to avoid them."

"Ah yes, that'll do it. What happened this morning to piss you off so much anyways?"
"The second I woke up I was met with scalding hot water pouring over me."

Sev raises an eyebrow. "That's it?"
"What do you mean that's it?!" I shriek, causing a few heads to turn and look at us. I turn and glare at them, silently telling them to go back to their work, which they do.

"Keep it down." Sev hisses, causing me to roll my eyes. "And yes that's it. You two practically fight all the time, that's mild compared to what the two of you do."

"It's still annoying though."

"Fair but remember the time where both of you could barely move after a fight?"
I smirk. "Oh that was so fun, she refused to fight me for a few days after that."

"I remember, you kept complaining about how bored you were."

"I was indeed bored but it was totally worth it."

"Sure it was. Can you help me grade?"
"Hell no."
"Crystal, you have to do your part."
"I threaten people. That's my part."
"You need to do more than that."

I groan softly. "Fine. But only a little. And I get to fail Bellatrix."

"Yes to the first, no to the second."

"Oh come on, it's not like Bellatrix is actually doing well."
"She's not even doing anything."
"Look at her."

I glance over to see her simply doodling on her paper rather than doing the actual assignment. "She doesn't have to do work?"
"Can we give her work?"

Staring//Enemies to lovers//Bellatrix x ocWhere stories live. Discover now