Bonus Chapter - Obi-Wan

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Author's Note: This chapter only exists because we were wondering what Obi-Wan was thinking throughout the fic, so enjoy this glimpse into Darth Sidious' head! Lol. 

Also, there's only an epilogue after this, followed by a purely self-indulgent reality jumping AU, where Anakin and Obi-Wan end up in the main timeline post ROTS. ;)

~ Amina Gila

The day is definitely not going anything like Obi-Wan expected. Dooku was not supposed to die. Yes, they'd discussed what would happen if things came to that, but that doesn't mean Obi-Wan was expecting it to happen. But it did, and that means he'll have to finish their plans on his own. He knows what's next.

It's time to claim his... apprentice.

Though despite everything, he must admit that he's impressed Anakin was able to defeat Dooku.

As soon as the Council meeting is out and Anakin is back at the Temple, Obi-Wan asks him to come over to his apartment. It's been a while since they've had time to chat about things other than the war, and especially right now before the last pieces of his plan unfold, Obi-Wan finds it a little relaxing.

But it's time now. He needs to carry out the next phase of the plan. Right here and now. He's thought about how to go through with it over and over again, but it's... disturbing. Unsettling. He knows it will hurt, and he doesn't want to do it, but he needs to.

"What would you do," Obi-Wan asks casually, "If I told you I was a Sith?"

Anakin blinks, and then lets out a half-laugh. "Don't be ridiculous, Master."

Obi-Wan lets a smile play on his lips. "Well, I am a Sith, and I want you to join me."

Anakin looks comically torn between if he should be laughing or concerned as to why he's 'joking' about things like this. "Don't joke about this! Did you hit your head? This isn't funny."

"Why do you think you haven't been able to figure out who the other Sith is?" Obi-Wan asks smugly.


He laughs quietly at the near scandalized look on his former padawan's face. Oh, he has no idea.

Anakin huffs. "It's not funny, Master. How can you joke about this?"

"Who said I'm joking?" Obi-Wan asks, teasingly, "Do you want me to show you?"

"Show me what?"

"That I'm the Sith you've been looking for."

Anakin groans. "Can you stop it?!"

He chuckles. "Why?"

"Because – what is wrong with you?!"

"You need to relax," Obi-Wan advises, "You've been thinking way too hard about Sidious' identity all day. You already defeated Dooku. Congratulations on that, by the way."

"You know, this is the third time you've said that."

"I'm impressed. You've brought the war so much closer to a close, Anakin, on your own."

Anakin smiles at him, softly, sincerely, and he really thinks he could do with the boy looking like this more often. It's so rare, though. A small, almost shy smile flickers across his face and he looks down. "Only because of your training," he mumbles.

"Not only," he corrects, "I would never have won against Dooku. You're the only one of us who gets credit for that."

Anakin doesn't really seem to sure how to respond, and there's a flare of something like embarrassed happiness in the Force around him. Obi-Wan reaches over, laying a hand on Anakin's arm, where he sits next to him. "You did well," he tells him again, nudging him with the Force, letting him feel his affection.

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