Holding his tiny hand, Jisoo smiled to his son tenderly, "Hello Yohannie. Look who's here. It's Omma, Yohannie. Omma."

Yohan didn't answer instead of murmuring some awkward words that nobody could understand. He looked at the people surrounding him in puzzled with his sleepy eyes. When he met his mother's eyes, his eyes lit up.

Jennie caressed his cheek and kissed him, "Omma is here. Omma won't leave you again. I miss you, Yohannie." She gave her son the greatest smile while tears were flowing down her cheeks. She knew Yohan wouldn't understand what was going on. He was too young to understand but the bond between them was strong. Yohan gave his weak grin before he fell into a deep sleep again.

Jisoo closed his eyes as he couldn't watch a heart-breaking scene between Jennie and their son, "Yohannie. Open your eyes, Yohannie." Jennie said in panic. She turned her head to the doctor who was checking Yohan seriously. After waiting for a few seconds in fright, she inhaled a big sigh of relief as the doctor explained Yohan's condition.

"Are you sure that it's a normal reaction?" Jisoo asked, seriously.

"Yes. It's common that waking up from comatose made him tired. He's taking a long and deep sleep now, a normal baby sleep. Don't worry. He's fine, perfectly fine. Just give him time to sleep." the doctor said firmly, and then, he explained every detail of the normal reactions. They sighed in relief.

Jennie fell onto the chair tiredly. Her body was weak, as she had gone through a long journey in running and crying, using up all her energy. Suddenly, tiredness took her out from her consciousness. She almost collapsed if there weren't strong arms holding her up.

"Are you ok, Jen?" Jisoo asked in concern, looking at her pale face.

She nodded and tried to smile at him weakly.

"She needs a rest. Please take Jennie home, Jisoo and you need some rest, too. Both of you need some rest otherwise you won't be able to see Yohan when he wakes up. We will be here to keep an eye on him." Mr. Kim said, suddenly.

Jennie shook her head, saying stubbornly, "I want to be here when Yohannie wakes up."

"Jennie, don't be so stubborn. Mr. Kim is right. You and Jisoo need to take a break. As the doctor said, Yohan will be sleeping for a long hour. I will call you when he opens his eyes again. Ok?" Jennie's mother said softly, trying to persuade her daughter.

"But it takes a long time to go back here from our house. No, mom. I want to be near my son. Let me stay here." Jennie said persistently, refusing any action to be apart from her beloved son again.

"Why don't both of you go to your apartment, Jisoo? Its only 10 minutes from here. Go and take some rest. I will call you if Yohan wakes up, and." Mrs. Kim glared at the couple who were still trying to argue with him, "Don't try to say no. Now, go."

Jennie looked at Jisoo, begging him to say no to his father. Jisoo sighed. He understood his father's good intentions. He took Jennie's hand and said softly, "Come on, Jen. We will come back after taking some rest. You will have more time with Yohannie later."

Jennie took a big sigh. She couldn't argue anymore as she felt her body has worn out. She nodded weakly and got up from the chair. When she passed by Jisoo's mother, Mrs. Kim said firmly, "I will have a long talk with you, Kim Jennie."

Jennie nodded weakly. Jisoo looked at his mother with a questioning look and turned his head to look at Jennie who was staring at the floor blankly. He sighed secretly. It must have been another misunderstanding between the two women in his life. He wished they would get along together without any hatred between them. However, he didn't say a word and took Jennie out from the ICU room heading to his apartment.

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