With this information, we could do anything. It could possibly lead to a war, but done correctly, it would be an amazing achievement. All those slaves could be freed, they could be saved from plausible death; or even from something worse. This is exactly what I have been hoping for ages, and this is exactly what me and Celian have been searching for. A key to freedom, to our generation and to our progeny.

"Is this the only one?" I asked with shining eyes, like they'd be looking at one big golden jackpot.

"As far as we know, it's huge; even dozens of miles in length" Leonel responded, his feet clacking somewhere behind me.

"How long have you known? Why haven't you done anything— why did you tell me only now?" I sputtered out, taking the map into my hands to see the location better. It seemed to be in the middle of two high hills, out of sight and hidden.

"Not for long, only weeks. And I wanted to be sure, and I wanted to trust you." Leonel's hands came to my shoulders, I myself flinching in surprise as I hadn't expected it. Though I let him circle his hands around me, my frame relaxing into his touch.

"Are we going to do something?" I asked, though what I really was asking, was what were we going to do. Because we couldn't just let this slide away. If the building kept the foundation of slavery in it, that could be a way to pull down the whole system.

It would be a fucking landmark in history, especially for people like me. And that was why I was so passionate about it, because even when I had born into a better life, I was still part of them. I had been just lucky, and I wanted everyone else to be too.

Or then, scratch the word lucky. There shouldn't be the possibility to even end up into the places where some of these poor souls did.

"Maybe. It's a really sensitive matter, and I would need other Kingdoms behind my back as well."

"You have Quillios for sure." My eyes raked on the map, taking in every small detail. Leonel hummed behind me as he lowered his chin to my shoulder.

"It's not enough, and if I'm being honest, your Kingdom's support is barely nothing." a frown etched to my features, though I had to agree with him. We were too small and everyone already knew our politics what came to slavery.

"Do you have any that are certain, you can't just go around asking?" I inquired, setting the map down to the table. The trip there would take around two or three days, and we couldn't give a hint of our arrival; if we were to go there. They could possibly destroy everything, even kill everyone just to send a point. We wouldn't have any idea where the likeable new location would be, only leaving us with worse tension and conflicts.

"Maybe two or three." He answered, making me cringe. It wasn't even near enough; maybe with six or seven Kingdoms something could be done, but not with three or four.

"Fuck. . ." I sighed, Leonel tightening his hold on me, "Do you have any evaluation of the number of people in there?"

I lifted my fingers to my temples, stress now overtaking the joy that I just felt.

"No, but don't worry" Leonel turned me towards himself, my eyes flicking to his gentle face, "We're going to figure it out."

He pecked my lips, earning a sigh from me, "There's a high chance that it'll go wrong."

"I know, pup."

I lifted my hands to his shoulders, watching deep into the whirls of blackness. "You know that I like you, a lot?" I whispered, a small smile coming to the other man's lips.

"I like you too, a lot. Even when you're—"

I slam my hand to his chest, cutting off his sentence so he won't even get to finish it. A stupid smirk spread to his lips, nothing helping me from smiling back, "Idiot."

Owned by Alpha Diétrich |BxB| Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon