The Best Craft Advice

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Writing is a craft and like any skill a writer most hone and learn to grow. One of the best ways to do this is to read writing craft books by professionals. The problem is there are thousands of self-help books for wannabe writers. Most of them are full of dubious advice. I know, I've encountered some myself. 

So, to help you with your own writing journeys I have included three of the best writer's sources I've come across. 

1. Writing Magic by Gail Carson Levine-A gentle, fun introduction to writing for beginners. 

2. The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield-An excellent book for motivation, I swear by it.

3. Susan Dennard's writing blog-Even if you don't read her books sign up for her newsletter Dennerds and Daydreamers. Each month she provides professional writing advice in the newsletter. On her website she has an archive of previous newsletters. 

Keep in mind every person is different. What works for me may not work for you, but these three sources are an excellent place to start your writing journey!

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