Writing Tip #3

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There are three categories of writers: Planners, Pantsers, and Plantsers. I'll begin by explaining what these terms mean.

Planners: Writers who like to have every detail meticulously planned out prior to writing. They often use outlines, charts, diagrams, and other visual aids to plot their stories or novels. 

Pros:The story is well-organized ahead of time.

Cons: This can result in a rigid storyline with little room for change.

Pantsers: Writers who are opposite of planners. The preferred method of writing for pansters is to sit down and write by the seat of one's pants. They rely on the self-conscious for the story to emerge rather than the more strategic form of story writing used by planners.

Pros: Unfettered freedom in writing.

Cons:The panster can be chugging along at a nice clip and after so many chapters lose steam. Writer's block is a common problem.

Plantsers: Writers who implement a bit of both the planner and panster strategies. Each plantser is different in that one can be more panster than planner or vice versa.

Pros: If a writer is pantsing and reach a stumbling block they can often outline or create a list of plot points to help them fix the problem.

Cons: ?😅

These are just common terms used to describe writers. Writing is not an exact science. Some of these or none of these might apply to you. My advice is to try out all three methods and see which best suits you! 

Most importantly, have fun! 🥰

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