YA-What Happened?

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Stephanie Meyer's Twilight launched a movement for young adult novels. Prior to Meyer there were few novels for teenagers. Supernatural/magical novels have been running continuously for 15 years. The problem? The genre is tired. Many of the new books are rehashing plots that have been done to death. 

1. Princess/Queen Heroine

2.Suppressed societies for girls

3. Rebellion trilogies (Change the names, countries, etc. the plots are still the same.)

4. Snarky/bully romantic interest (Sets a bad example for girls by perpetuating the idea that if a guy is good looking its okay for him to be a complete dick.)

5. Supernatural High School (Read one recently with absolutely no conflict between the cast of characters. I expected everyone to hold hands and sing kumbaya.)

YA novels have become formulaic and dull. Which is why I no longer read them.

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