Writer's Tip #4

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Another aspect of writing that is important to discuss is motivation. Motivation is what propels you to soldier on through a project. This is a big issue for me. Often I find my motivation flagging and doubts creep in. That I suck. That my story is awful, etc. 

We all have these thoughts. The important thing to do is not allow this to stop you from writing. There will be days you don't feel like writing. That's fine. Sometimes if you're feeling the burn-out its best to step back, do other things and return to the project when you are refreshed.

If the story becomes a burden, then it might be you need to reevaluate your scenes. If you find them boring, then don't write them. Forget about what people will think. Write what you want. It will come out better in the end than something that is forced. I know this from experience.

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