Romance Heroine Cliches

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To be fair, its only right to cover some heroine cliches that bug me too.

1. Financially desperate/unemployed-(While women make less than men, not all of us are strapped for cash).

2. "He can change." (Not unless he wants to.)

3. Sexually inexperienced FMC who wants it to be f***** her first time. (It hurts, no virgin would want to be railed the first time!)

4. FMC refers to her genitals as pussy. (Its derogatory. Don't demean your sexual power!)

5. Dysfunctional quirky. (I once read a FMC who peed in the shower to save time. That's not a quirk, that's gross!)

6.Refers to herself as snarky. (Again, a derogatory term for a woman who's assertive and speaks her mind.)

7. Rambling stream of conscious. (Its not cute, its annoying.)

8.Thinking about the MMC all the time and dissecting what he said for hours. (Women have jobs and responsibilities. We don't spend every waking moment thinking about love interests.)

10. Proving herself worthy.

11. Pursuing a dick MMC who puts her through hell before finally being with her in the end.

12. Changing herself, altering personality to please MMC.

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