Don't Be A Canon Troll

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What is a canon troll you might ask? Its someone who polices fanfiction and points out, with annoying frequency if a fanfiction writer goes off canon. Well. The whole purpose of fanfiction is to express your love for a fandom in your own unique voice. 

 Among the many fandoms, canon trolls are the worst in LOTR and the Hobbit. So, if you are writing a story in these fandoms, be prepared to face them. Canon trolls and Mary-Sue hunters are the reason I have never written a Legolas fanfiction though I wanted to.

The whole reason I am writing about this subject is that canon trolls anger me. I have been reading a beautifully written Legolas fanfiction recently. Its as good as a published novel. Some canon troll has been policing them. I responded with a comment in support of the author.

The canon troll responded. Why? I have no idea. 

Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done about canon trolls. What they do is not technically against the wattpad usage rules. 

They will persist in their know-it-all glory. 

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