Writing Tip #2

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Since the first tip was so well received here's another. 

Characters are the most important thing about a story. I know, its a strange thing to say with the other elements of story: plot, subplots, themes, etc.

 A mediocre plot can be forgiven with awesome characters, especially on wattpad. I would know, I messed up the plot in the last third of my story The Sweetest Rose.😭 If it weren't for Loki and Cassandra carrying the story I would have been in trouble. But its okay, I learned alot about character development writing their story.

Well-fleshed out diverse characters are the way to go. There is no formula for this. As you write the characters' personalities will take shape naturally, especially if you're a pantser (I'll go into this more later).

If this does not work, try reading your favorite series. Reading is the best tool in a writer's tool-kit. You learn so much from reading books. If done right, the characters' individual personalities will shine through and will be easy to spot. (Of course do not copy the personalities, develop your own. Reading will provide you with a baseline to start with.)

That's all for today, folks! 🥰

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