We Still Live on a Yellow Submarine

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All four of us had now boarded the submarine. I donned the captain's hat, just as John had previously referred to me as. Captain McCartney. And I, no matter what happens, will get all members of our crew through the treacherous seas and to Pepperland, unscathed. 

John leaned against one of the control panels, rolling his eyes. "So...how does this work again?"

I reassuringly place my hand on my best mate's shoulder. "We must travel to Pepperland, through the Sea of Green." 

"Oh, right." Boring."

George frowns. "Come on, John, we can do this. Don't be so pessimistic." 

Just then, a little rattle comes from one of the control rooms. 

"Woof! Woof!"

"Aww, Martha, sweetie, don't scare daddy like that, ok? We've got company now. Quite a lot of company, actually. Can we behave and be a good girl like always?"

She pants and licks all over my face. "Haha! Martha! No! Stop it! Alright, alright, I get it, girl. Go rest, little captain's dog." 

George's mood shifts a tiny bit. "Wait...I didn't know you had Martha on you. Oh well. Cute, I suppose. Little captain's dog, sweet, as long as she acts-"

But of course, my fun sheepdog wouldn't be the only uninvited non-Beatle joining us on our adventure...

Out of the submarine's bathroom came the one, the only, Yoko Ono. And Sean, the precious child resulting from her. 


"Yes, love, it's fine. We're about to leave. Is Sean ok?"

George couldn't believe what he was seeing. Or hearing. He could handle having my beloved pet tagging along with us for the ride, but this? Oh no. This was the witch who stole his biscuits years ago. He couldn't live that down. I remember that day fondly. 


Just in time, Ringo covers the raging Beatle's mouth with his hand, giving him a look of warning. 

Thankfully, nothing horrible was exchanged, as John was holding his baby boy in his arms. 

"Anyway...how do we get to Pepperland again?" Ringo asks, trying to divert the situation, still.

Before I could even get a word out, Martha placed her paw on the same button as before to start the submarine up, startling everyone. 

"Well...I suppose that should answer your question...sort of." I giggle. "We've got to go into the deepest part of the ocean. Pepperland lies 80,000 leagues beneath the sea."

John groans and hands Sean over to Yoko. "Does that mean we have to go through all of those annoying seas again?"

I nod. "I'm afraid so. But come on, it'll be fun! Think about it everyone, we're all in the yellow submarine, reunited, we're all together now..." I began to sing, which lit up Sean's face. 

As we traveled into the depths of the sea, I sang more, lightening the mood. The captain will keep his promise, after all...

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