Newer and Bluer Meanies

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Half of what I say is meaningless...

I swear, sometimes my parents just won't listen to me.

I see the terrors that reign outside. They make me want to cry. Our mayor has instructed us to stay inside and not come out for anything.

All I want is to go outside and play. I know I'm not allowed, yet my mommy still tells me to go right ahead.

Why? Just...why? Why us? Why is this happening to us?

I know it's a stretch, but I feel as though I can hear whoever is causing Pepperland so much pain. I can hear their plans from oh so far away...

"Mike, it's useless! They've all locked themselves in their houses! How do we get to them now?"

"I don't know, your blueness."

"Wait! I think I've got the perfect plan..."

"Yes! Excellent!"




"No, your blueness."

"Excellent. Now, follow my lead..."

I shiver. Who is Mike? Who is this "blueness"? I need to know...

"Julia, darling!" Mama called from downstairs.

"Yes, mama?" I answer, with a hint of fear in my voice.

Oh my, am I in trouble? What could I have done?

She frowns. "You're not in trouble, dear, if that's what you're thinking."

"I'm not?"

Daddy chuckled. "Heavens no, sweetheart. We just want to talk."

I started walking up the stairs again. "Usually when you say that it's serious."

"Well, Julia, the blue meanies situation is quite serious, but as long as we stay inside, they can't bother us." Mama warned. Looks like she's changed her mind about all of this.

"What are we supposed to do until it's over?"

There was a brief silence. Mama and Daddy both looked at each other, puzzled, until Daddy got an idea.

"Say, Julia, do you remember when we took you to the park for your 5th birthday recently?"

I giggled. How could I forget?

"Remember all of those statues of those men that you and your friends were confused about?"

"Yeah, and Billy tried to climb one of them."

"Um, yeah. The Shears family is out of control. Anyway, how about we tell you what those statues actually mean?"

"Yes! I wanna know!"

"Ok then..."

Right now it doesn't seem like much but trust me, once we get into it it'll get better. This is the second story that I've been wanting to write for so unbelievably long, and I'm so glad that I'm doing it now 😊

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