That Was Easy.

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Yes, while he may also have left the group as well, he's a little easier to work with. I've got a feeling deep inside that he shouldn't be too hard to convince.


"Ok, ok. Here, you food obsessed Beatle boy. Now, come on and join us on the submarine to recruit Ringo. He's the last one we need, clearly." I joked, pouring the last bit of the candy in his hand.

He licked his lips and devoured the sweets, satisfied and boarding the submarine.

Every non Beatle guest joining still weren't saying much, possibly to avoid any controversy, and just to leave us to our jobs.

And that job was to get that final Starr back in our Yellow Submarine.

Sleepy Ringo answered the door, rubbing his eyes, yet perking up at the sight of us.

"Oh my goodness, are we having our reunion already?"

"No, no, Ringo. We need you for something." I pointed to the all important object behind us.

"Hey, you got the submarine back! You wanna go on an adventure as a crew again, don't you, Paul? Very sweet."

I sighed. "As nice as that would be, technically we are gonna do that anyway, for a good cause too."

His head perked up. "Pardon?"

"Pepperland is in trouble again, and it's up to us, and only us, to save it. Trust me. Paul got a letter from their mayor calling out for help." John mentioned.

"Ohhh. Sure, I'll do it. Why not? They need us. Just...give me a minute to get ready, ok?"

He shut the door in our faces, but still, all to simply freshen up for a long, long, long adventure ahead of us? He hadn't even bickered back at the idea!

"Well, that was easy. No sparkles. No nothing. Easy." John laughed, completely stunned at how easy it was to get Ringo onto our side. 

"Alright then, Beatle crew. It's time to return to Pepperland!" I smiled, in a leader like tone. I was ready.

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