They All Lived in the Yellow Submarine

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"You see, Julia, about ten years ago, there was another generation of blue meanies that attacked Pepperland first with their stronger army of minions, and believe it or not, the heroes of this story actually predicted our current outcome."

"No way."

"It's true. Those statues you see of the men? Their names are John, Paul, George, and Ringo, or the Beatles. They saved Pepperland."

"How did they do that?"

"With music. Blue meanies hate the sound of music. They traveled in the town's Yellow Submarine through many dangerous seas just to get to Pepperland. It's a very protected area of peace. It's questionable just how these blue meanies got here."

"So...all we need to do is sing and the blue meanies will go away?"

"It's not that easy, baby. Pepperland is a harmonious town, but those of us who have suffered through such attacks know who are the only ones who can sing to them."

" and mommy were alive during this?"

Mama frowned. "Yes, dear. We were just starting to date."

Daddy shivered. "I remember what that blast of lightning felt like on my shoulder...and being frozen for what felt like years. Even when I came out of it, the Apple Bonkers reapplied it with their apples..."

Suddenly the house shook. Mama clung to Daddy. "I know that sound from anywhere..."

I looked out the window to see falling apples with each rumble. "Hey, look! It's raining apples!" I giggled.

"Julia, no!" Mama pulled me away. "But how? I thought the Beatles killed them all!"

Daddy sighs as he turns on the TV. "I think we have our answer..."

"Breaking News: Blue Meanies' minions from past attack have been revived and are on the loose. Hiding in a safe and secure place is recommended."

An apple crashes through the roof.

"Julia, you need to hide." Mama warns.


"Go to the Mayor's office. We know him personally, he has to let you in."

"Are you sure?"

"Please just listen to your mother, Julia. Save yourself."


Before I could say another word, two apples fall on my parents' heads, freezing them in place.

The enemies who launched the fruits laugh through the hole. I wipe away the stray tears, ignoring the monsters who made my parents useless.

Now, where is the Mayor's office?

It doesn't take me long to find it, thankfully, even with the chaos around me. I bang on the door, and I'm greeted by a rather tall man.

"Help me..."

"Julia! Where are Michelle and Maxwell?"

I tilt my head.

", where are your parents?"

"I saw it all...the apples fell on their heads."

"Oh dear. They've been bonked. Come inside, sweetheart, you need protection."

He took me in to his much larger on the inside manor and wrapped me up in a blanket.

"'s gonna be fine. I promise to protect you, Julia. We can wait this out."

Even with the blanket over my ears, I could faintly make out his mumble of "I wish they were here."


"Oh, um, no one."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, dear."

"Where is the Yellow Submarine? Can't we use that to help everyone?"

"Oh...about that...I've only been the mayor for a year, y'know. Our past mayor left that Yellow Submarine in his will to the Beatles as a thank you for saving Pepperland. And of course, bless his soul...he's gone. He asked me to take over as mayor. I'm not sure which one has it after their squabble."

"What do you mean?"

He sighs. "That's another story for another time."

"Who do you think would?"

"Well, if anyone, probably Paul. He cares the most."

"That's it! We can write a letter to him and he can gather the others and then they can be the heroes again!"

"Well, I appreciate your optimism, Julia, but it's not that simple."

"It's worth a try though, isn't it?"

"Maybe. I guess you never know."

Mayor Fred sits down at his desk and frantically writes a letter to this "Paul".

"It is done."

"What did you write?"

"Ah, that's not important. All that matters is that it's out there now and hopefully he'll get it..."

"I believe in the power of the Beatles, Mayor. Do you?"

He chuckles. "Yeah. But remember, it's a long journey from their world to ours. They must travel from sea to sea, and then they must battle the worst meanies of all, even worse than the last."

I hold onto the Mayor's hand.

We'll be getting into the Beatles after this, I promise 😉

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