Thus, when Taehyung reached home that day, he was once, once again sentenced to stand as punishment.

"Look at how old you are now, how are you still acting like a child?" Principal Kim pointed at Taehyung and admonished him.

"I am still a child in the first place."

"You! Have you no sense of shame? I feel embarrassed on your behalf!" Principal Kim said while deliberately making a cutting motion across his face, "It's mortifying!"

At this moment, Mrs. Kim came back with a grocery basket in her hands. Today was her day off in lieu.

The scene that Mrs. Kim saw was one that she was all too familiar with. She changed her shoes and asked, "What's the issue this time?"

"Go ask her!"

Taehyung pitifully looked at his mother. "Mommy, today I answered all of the teacher's questions correctly and was even praised. And then daddy made me stand as punishment."

Mrs. Kim: "...???"

Principal Kim hurriedly explained, "It's not because of that. This child openly teased a male classmate and even kissed him. If it wasn't that I witnessed it myself, I wouldn't have believed it." He went on to recap what he saw earlier that day.

Principal Kim was someone who had been in the academic circle for some years. All along, he was able to competently manage the children under his care. However, when it came to his child, he was facing all kinds of headaches.

Mrs. Kim crouched down and asked Taehyung, "Why did you kiss Jungkook?"

"Because I was playing the emperor. Jungkook was the most favored concubine."

Mrs. Kim was tickled. "You assigned yourself a pretty high-ranking position." While saying this, she glanced at Principal Kim. "The child's playing house. Don't use your adult train of thoughts to decipher his actions too deeply."

Principal Kim was slightly mollified. However, he then emphasized, "Playing house is also unacceptable. He's already a grown man."

Mrs. Kim rubbed Taehyung's tiny head and spoke, "Taehyung, you've grown up. You can't go about kissing guys or let guys kiss you either."


"You'll get mouth ulcers after kissing and have to receive an injection before getting better. In a while, follow me to the hospital to get a shot."

Taehyung's originally radiant-looking face collapsed. He gave a little whimper, "Oh."

Thinking about it, he was somewhat discontent. "Why can Mommy kiss Daddy then?"


The two adults' faces reddened.

Principal Kim noisily cleared his throat. In an exaggerated tone that attempted to mask the awkwardness, he replied, "This is because I am a principal. No matter who principals kiss or who kisses principals, both parties will not fall sick."

"Oh—" Taehyung was greatly enlightened. "No wonder Daddy can kiss Teacher Huang."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Kim's face darkened. She stood up in a whoosh, rolled up her sleeves, and was about to start thrashing things out when she abruptly realized that her son was still there. Afraid that she would scare the child, she restrained herself and with a grim face, said, "Kim Donghyun. Explain yourself."

"The child's speaking nonsense! I'm innocent! What Teacher Huang, I don't even know this person!"

Mrs. Kim dragged him into the bedroom and shut the door with a bang.

Afterward, she pinched his ear and gritted her teeth. "I'll give you one more chance. Explain."

"Ouch, hurts, hurts, hurts! Wife, I'm innocent, I'm innocent. I've been framed by Taehyung. That little rascal must have held a grudge against me. Just wait and see how I'll discipline him. I, I, ow, hurts, hurts, hurts."

"Are you coming clean or not?"

"Come clean about what?"


The soundproofing of the bedroom was excellent. Taehyung did not know what his parents were doing in the bedroom. However, there was an uneasy sense of apprehension that made him heavily and repeatedly thump the door. "Daddy, Mommy, quickly come out..."

After knocking for some time, the door finally pulled open. Principal Kim walked out.

With a bruised left eye and a gloomy face, he looked down at Taehyung and said, "You little rascal, hurry up and explain clearly. What Teacher Huang or Teacher XYZ, you've got guts to lie and set up your father—your actual father by flesh and blood—at such a young age. You treacherous and unlucky child..." The more Principal Kim spoke the more aggrieved he felt, to the point that tears were nearly coming out.

Taehyung was a little frightened and retreated two steps back.

Mrs. Kim came out with folded arms. She deeply exhaled and tried to even her tone as much as possible before questioning Taehyung, "Taehyung, tell Mommy. Who is Teacher Huang?"

"Teacher Huang is the gate security——"

"Gate security! Kim Donghyun, you animal, making a pass at even the gate security!"

"He's speaking nonsense! The gate security is male, his surname is not Huang, and he's already 60 years old!"

"——security grandpa's dog."



Both husband and wife were dumbstruck.

Mrs. Kim placed a hand against her forehead. She did not know how to face her husband.

Principal Kim exploded. "That dog is called Huang Shi, you unlucky child, why on earth are you calling it Huang Shi Teacher Huang? it's called Huang Shi! Huang Shi! You treacherous child, you're going to be the end of me..."


Principal Kim waved his hands. "No, no, no. I don't deserve this honor. From now on, you're my Daddy instead."


Author's Bonus Content

Q: When did you have your first kiss?

Top Comment: The second year of primary school.

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