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10 | Kaspian

"You have a week to bring me your father before I act."  The words replayed through Kaspains mind as fast as a hummingbird flew around a feeder.

He didn't want it to be her.

He'd already pleaded with all the Gods in the universe to let this burden lift from his shoulders but nothing happened and Kaspian still had this awful feeling in his gut.

And as a vampire, your gut was the leader which you obeyed.  It leads your thirst, controls your thoughts, protects you from danger, and protects the ones love that are the ones close to it. 

And right now Kaspian wanted so desperately to trust his gut.

But this was his mother they were talking about...

The woman who had raised him.

"It was also the woman that left you on your own Kas," Zara whispered, scooting over to sit next to him.

He didn't know how she knew but somehow, Zara Delcour always knew.

When her hand brushed him, a small shiver wracked his body.

He wanted her so bad.

But he couldn't have her.

Not until she was ready. 


As the sun began to set, Mackenzie handed out three padded vests, leaving the other one just hanging on the shelf.

It wasn't a fact Mackenzie hated his life, he didn't exactly try to hide it.  And it was for sure he didn't try to escape death.

Not like the rest of them did.

Kaspian had noticed that Mackenzie didn't fear death.  In fact, he didn't fear anything.

Except for maybe the future.

The unknown future.

"Everyone know the plan?" Mackenzie asked gruffly.  The rest of the vampires nodded wordlessly before following him out of the hotel and down into the busy streets of Mexico.

They were following a lead tonight.  Somebody had tipped them off on a warehouse not far from Mexico City that was known for holding assassins.  They were also known to be buried in millions of dollars in debt at the same time.  Money makes for a perfect reason to kill someone.  Zara had mentioned earlier after Mackenzie told them that bit of news.

If only she knew.  Kaspian had thought- but then he realized she probably already did know.  Zara Delcour knew mostly everything.

Their car ride was silent- everybody too lost in their thoughts to bother talking.

Kaspian wasn't sure what everyone else was thinking about, but he was thinking about the irresistible brunette sitting next to him in the captain chairs.

He noticed that she'd slicked her hair back into a neat ponytail causing her jawline to seem even sharper.  When her hair was moved back from her face Kaspian saw the light constellation of freckles dusted across her nose: nine he counted.

And then he moved his gaze down to her lips.  Those perfectly plump lips that hadn't been touched in years.

Was she yearning the same way he was?

That was something Kaspian longed to ask her.

And suddenly he found himself pressing against his pants.  Looking down in embarrassment he moved his hand to cover the clear bulge in the black fabric.

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